
I had issues with last night, most of all the alternate reality. It started with "James" having SEX with someone right before he arrested them. Either the alternate reality also has alternate ethics rules...or they really screwed the pooch on that one IMO.

I liked some of the actual island material, but it really fell short for me. Sucks, cause the last few episodes were really entertaining.

Oh well...
I had issues with last night, most of all the alternate reality. It started with "James" having SEX with someone right before he arrested them. Either the alternate reality also has alternate ethics rules...or they really screwed the pooch on that one IMO.

Well, it would have been much worse if he really had screwed the pooch.

I also didn't find the alternate Sawyer story that interesting - especially the big "ooh" moment at the very end that to me was a big "whatever". But after the last two weeks, it's clear that the differences in the sideways timeline are not just what would have happened without the crash; the differences are rooted at least 30 years in the past, and likely even before whats-her-name set off the bomb - since we now know that in the sideways timeline, Ben's dad took him home from the island rather than staying there.

One other striking thing is the new geography and population density of the island.

We now know that during the first season or two, the island had several self sufficient clusters of inhabitants - but their clusters were far enough apart that the castaways took a long time to find those people or any sign of them (apart from Ethan, who came to them, not vice versa).

But now in this final season, the island is like friggin' Manhattan, where people are walking around all over the place and can't go 50 yards without running into someone else. Seems like the total number of people on the island now should be smaller than the total at the time of the original crash, but damn, you can't throw a rock without hitting someone else anymore.

You guys really think James being a cop instead of a con but still a liar wasn't interesting? And that Miles was his partner and he had a fling with Charlotte wasn't compelling? We must be watching two different shows :p Aside from last week's week episode, last night's was probably one of my favorites.

As for there being more people, I thought all these new folks on the island were Widmore's team that just showed up, not a group of "others" or one of those cluster-colonies. Am I wrong?

I'm definitely glad that they hammered out the tension between Claire and Kate a little bit, mostly because I hate seeing Claire being crazy. It's nice to see her coming back around to normal, as far as we know anyway.

What I want to know is when are we going to start getting actual answers? Every episode so far either wastes a lot of time or seems to draw more questions. I just hope they don't wait until the last episode and finale to finally tie the whole story together with someone just telling it through a story. "Well, you see, a long time ago.... and that's why you're all here." :-\
You guys really think James being a cop instead of a con but still a liar wasn't interesting? And that Miles was his partner and he had a fling with Charlotte wasn't compelling? We must be watching two different shows :p Aside from last week's week episode, last night's was probably one of my favorites.

As for there being more people, I thought all these new folks on the island were Widmore's team that just showed up, not a group of "others" or one of those cluster-colonies. Am I wrong?

I'm definitely glad that they hammered out the tension between Claire and Kate a little bit, mostly because I hate seeing Claire being crazy. It's nice to see her coming back around to normal, as far as we know anyway.

What I want to know is when are we going to start getting actual answers? Every episode so far either wastes a lot of time or seems to draw more questions. I just hope they don't wait until the last episode and finale to finally tie the whole story together with someone just telling it through a story. "Well, you see, a long time ago.... and that's why you're all here." :-

I still enjoyed it...I just thought there were some real issues with the way it was presented. They work so damn hard to carfully contruct what they present to us that something like the scene at the beginning just seems to fall short of what I've come to expect.

I liked the cop thing...just didn't like the ethics that came in to play when he arrested someone after they did the naughty. That's one hell of an undercover gig...and if that's how detectives work, then I need to stop singing and enroll in the academy.
You guys really think James being a cop instead of a con but still a liar wasn't interesting?

Yes, but it didn't move anything forward.

With the flashbacks up to season 4 (or whenever they became flash forwards), we were learning about the characters. Now we're just being shown a bunch of what-ifs which don't seem to have an impact on anything. (Of course, I'll add a big YET to that.)

And that Miles was his partner and he had a fling with Charlotte wasn't compelling?

Nope :)

I found it gratuitous. It's like they just have a checklist of all the people who have to show up one more time somewhere, randomly, before the series is done. I'll bet Boone pops up in someone else's "sideways" soon, as will Faraday. These won't be surprises. Maybe Walt will show up, too. Mr. Eko? Now they can scratch Miles and Charlotte off the list and move on to the next ones.

As for there being more people, I thought all these new folks on the island were Widmore's team that just showed up, not a group of "others" or one of those cluster-colonies. Am I wrong?

Those weren't the ones I was talking about, they're on "Hydra Island" or whatever it was anyway. I'm just talking that in general, whenever someone is running through the jungle now, they're almost bound to bump into someone else. How many times has Kate come across someone out of nowhere in the last few weeks?

These are all minor quibbles, I'm still liking things overall. In fact, my wife and I are rewatching all the earlier seasons (we'll be done with S1 this week) at the same time we're watching the final season. That's working out really well. For example, we just saw episodes from S1 when the "Black Rock" was first being mentioned, and last night saw the Black Rock show up again. The synchronicity has been pretty cool so far.

One other striking thing is the new geography and population density of the island.

We now know that during the first season or two, the island had several self sufficient clusters of inhabitants - but their clusters were far enough apart that the castaways took a long time to find those people or any sign of them (apart from Ethan, who came to them, not vice versa).

But now in this final season, the island is like friggin' Manhattan, where people are walking around all over the place and can't go 50 yards without running into someone else. Seems like the total number of people on the island now should be smaller than the total at the time of the original crash, but damn, you can't throw a rock without hitting someone else anymore.


It just goes to show how much quicker the pace is now than in the first several seasons. It used to take a couple episodes to get from one area to another ... now they are hitting multiple spots in the same episode. It's the endgame speed warp that is season 6.

You guys really think James being a cop instead of a con but still a liar wasn't interesting? And that Miles was his partner and he had a fling with Charlotte wasn't compelling? We must be watching two different shows :p Aside from last week's week episode, last night's was probably one of my favorites.

As for there being more people, I thought all these new folks on the island were Widmore's team that just showed up, not a group of "others" or one of those cluster-colonies. Am I wrong?

I'm definitely glad that they hammered out the tension between Claire and Kate a little bit, mostly because I hate seeing Claire being crazy. It's nice to see her coming back around to normal, as far as we know anyway.

What I want to know is when are we going to start getting actual answers? Every episode so far either wastes a lot of time or seems to draw more questions. I just hope they don't wait until the last episode and finale to finally tie the whole story together with someone just telling it through a story. "Well, you see, a long time ago.... and that's why you're all here." :-

I thought some of that was interesting, but the episode last night was only decent overall. I liked the Ben Linus episode better. Next week is one I am looking forward too .. gotta know Richard's full story. I think we already know some of it .. slave in chains on that 19th century Black Rock ship, but there is much more there I think.

Answers .. I think they are slowly answering things. The numbers, who is smokie .. we;ve got some answers already. It's much better than the first couple seasons where nothing ever got answered.

Last night's was alright. It wasn't great. I think that now I'm just waiting for the series to end and be spoon-fed the answers to all the questions and mysteries.

Some have suggested the flash-sideways look like they could be a setup for a new soap opera like series with the same character but no island. YAWN.
Im just happy there was no Jack! :goggly:

Here, here ernie! Jack's ALWAYS whining & complaining about everything!
Or he's smashing & destroying something (Although "James" took care of
that when he smashed that mirror!)
What I really wanna see is Richard's story the most!
Did everyone catch scenes from next week where in it
richard said " I've got a secret to tell you, This (The Island) isn't at all what you think!"
Hmmmm? Interesting indeed!
You guys really think James being a cop instead of a con but still a liar wasn't interesting? And that Miles was his partner and he had a fling with Charlotte wasn't compelling? We must be watching two different shows :p Aside from last week's week episode, last night's was probably one of my favorites.

As for there being more people, I thought all these new folks on the island were Widmore's team that just showed up, not a group of "others" or one of those cluster-colonies. Am I wrong?

I'm definitely glad that they hammered out the tension between Claire and Kate a little bit, mostly because I hate seeing Claire being crazy. It's nice to see her coming back around to normal, as far as we know anyway.

What I want to know is when are we going to start getting actual answers? Every episode so far either wastes a lot of time or seems to draw more questions. I just hope they don't wait until the last episode and finale to finally tie the whole story together with someone just telling it through a story. "Well, you see, a long time ago.... and that's why you're all here." :-

I liked it as well. I love not knowing what's going on, the mystery of it, and trying to figure it out. Seems like the Locke Monster (think they couldnt wait to use that name) is wanting to get away from the confines of the island so he can recruit part of the world against the newest replacement for Jacob for that war they mentioned. But I don't see how they could do all of that in 8 episodes. Definitely looking forward to seeing who richard is really and what's up with his eternal youth.
Great episode! Loved finally learning about Richard's past. The Locke Monster sure is looking more evil with every episode. Hell? Not thinking the island is actually Hell, but that sure does raise some possibilities.
Yep, last night's may have been the best of the season.
Sure, maybe not action wise, but storyline wise, which is what is most important for this season right?

Sounds like my purgatory theory, in a not-so-direct way, is not 100% off base.

I mean, Jacob gets people there who are troubled, sinners, call it what you want.

They get a second chance so to speak.

Not a 100% certain how the MIB leaving would impact all of their going to hell.

Is it that there would be no balance?

There might be some religious symbolism I am missing out on, as I am no religious expert, esp the New Testament.
Yep, last night's may have been the best of the season.
Sure, maybe not action wise, but storyline wise, which is what is most important for this season right?

Sounds like my purgatory theory, in a not-so-direct way, is not 100% off base.

I mean, Jacob gets people there who are troubled, sinners, call it what you want.

They get a second chance so to speak.

Not a 100% certain how the MIB leaving would impact all of their going to hell.

Is it that there would be no balance?

There might be some religious symbolism I am missing out on, as I am no religious expert, esp the New Testament.

Agreed, especially with the flip-flopping/sweet talking.
Yep, last night's may have been the best of the season.
Sure, maybe not action wise, but storyline wise, which is what is most important for this season right?

Sounds like my purgatory theory, in a not-so-direct way, is not 100% off base.

I mean, Jacob gets people there who are troubled, sinners, call it what you want.

They get a second chance so to speak.

Not a 100% certain how the MIB leaving would impact all of their going to hell.

Is it that there would be no balance?

There might be some religious symbolism I am missing out on, as I am no religious expert, esp the New Testament.

In the old testament, Jacob and Esau were twin brothers. Esau was born first and Jacob was holding onto his heel. Because Esau was the first born, he was his fathers favorite and stood to inherit his fathers birthright. Their mother favored Jacob and she convinced him to deceive his father and steal his brothers birthright. When Esau found out what had happened, he vowed to kill Jacob. Their mother sent Jacob away to live with relatives to protect him from his brother's wrath.
I mean, Jacob gets people there who are troubled, sinners, call it what you want.

They get a second chance so to speak.

From what Jacob explained to Richard last night it seemed like he was bringing people to the island for his own benefit to prove to the man in black that people are good. It didn't seem like he did for the people's benefit at all. His attitude may have changed since that time, but that's what I got from the conversation between the two.