
When is Jack going to learn that every time he does something "noble" it screws everything up. My hair looked like Claire's last night at the Roseland. Damn the rain.
When is Jack going to learn that every time he does something "noble" it screws everything up. My hair looked like Claire's last night at the Roseland. Damn the rain.

Well, I think that's the whole point.

Jack pretty much f*cked himself by being a major pole smoker the first time on the island (IE - as Jacob said, folks were chosen to see if they could change their path in life). As Jack had said to Hurley, it's difficult for him to take orders from others, which he is doing now. I think it's too little too late. He even knows it, which is why he (literally) jumped ship this week.

The one I am most interested to see how he turns out is Sayid. I think its obvious that he didn't kill Desmond, but is it too late for him?

So-so episode, but once again, we need some more answers here.
It's still just the evolution of probable events at this time.
I have no issues with Claire's "jungle hair" at all. :P

Hard to believe that they plan on wrapping up most of the mysteries of the island within the last 4 episodes. I'm still left wondering things like:

  • The significance of Walt and his abilities that were manifesting
  • The significance of Aaron (it was a big deal in S1 for sure, that he must be brought to the island)
  • The two skeletons. I have a feeling that it is probably Rose and Bernard, as she refuses to leave the island, the stones were white and black, etc.
And I'm still curious as to how Claire magically vanished for quite awhile in S5 (or maybe that was S4...can't remember offhand).

I know there are still some other things but I can't remember off the top of my head.
[*]The significance of Walt and his abilities that were manifesting[/LIST]
  • The significance of Aaron (it was a big deal in S1 for sure, that he must be brought to the island)

  • Actually, those are the easier questions to answer.....

    Walt is one of the wanderers...
    As we saw from some of the future episodes, Walt was disconnected from Michael's life off the island as well (IE - he never made things right between him and his son, so he is forever "lost")

    Aaron is the one thing that Kate has done right.
    She took him off the island and raised him.
    We see in the alternative timeline that she successfully escapes the Feds, and thanks to Sawyer, will most likely be set free (since she has over her head that she knows he went to Australia without folks knowing).

    What Aaron will mean for Claire is uncertain though.
    Smokey obviously brought her back to life, most likely though in order to bring meaning to Kate's coming back to the island to find her and reconnect her to Aaron.
Bleh. Sorry, but this one was too predictable and way too shmaltzy for me. "Jin, save yourself!" Puhleeze. This one was a stinker imo. Totally getting thrown off by the alternate time line too. It seemed to be making more sense the last episode, but this time, it made less. Damn sorry Kate didn't take a better shot. Oh well, the Locke Monster still has time.
I guess it doesn't matter which Kwan's name is on the wall now! (Unless it's the baby daughter...!) I liked Jin and Sun, too bad :(

But then what was the purpose of having Sun lose the ability to speak English (even though she could still write it which is fucking stupid), then regain it, only to then die?
Not the best episode.
Just served as the one mandatory tear-jerker I suppose.

I think to me it just showcased that Jack will forever be a f*ck-up, on and off the island, which is why he will never be able to leave.
I just hope we can somehow leave. Getting tired of it really. Hope they wrap it up in a way that makes sense. This last episode makes me wonder.
Gotta agree .. just ready for them to wrap this up. Hopefully when it concludes it will feel like a worthwhile experience. I have my doubts, but hopefully they have saved the best twists for last.

My wife and I are going through all the previous seasons pretty quickly (re-watching for me, first time for her) at the same time we're watching the final one.

One of the things we're struck by is how *uninquisitive* the characters seem to be, at least when it's convenient for the plot. Has anyone else noticed that?

When they first crash on the island, no one thinks to send some people on a circuit of the island, just following the shoreline as far as they can. Sure, it's a big island, but there could have been a Sandals Resort around the other side, for all they knew!

When they find Desmond in the hatch and he runs away, no one thinks to follow him, particularly the people that might be good at tracking (Locke, Kate, Sayid). So, they have finally come upon someone who has been on the island for a long time and he runs away - but no one thinks that maybe he knows where to run to, and maybe they should follow? No one wonders, "Gosh, I wonder where he's going when he runs away from us?"

When Kate, etc find the second hatch, where Claire had been held captive, and they finally mention it to others, no one wants to go back and investigate this hatch more? Jack, who is a doctor, doesn't find the need to go examine what was a hatch with, apparently, a *medical* area?

In the first couple of seasons, two people, at two different times (Sayid, Hurley) come across the cable running from the forest, down the beach, and into the water, that eventually leads to Rousseau's area when they follow it into the woods. But no one, at least up to that point, ever goes back and wonders what that cable connects to at the *other* end, where it goes into the water? (If I remember right, that might be how they eventually find the "Looking Glass", but it sure took a long time to revisit it. With all these people idle on the beach, maybe someone could have been asked to check it out.)

Sheesh :)

We are merely sheep who like to watch! :)

Me too! We've spent waaaay too many hours watching those DVDs recently. These are just things that came to me while re-watching them. I'm just thinking that from a creative / writing point of view, at least tossing in an acknowledgment about some of these things ("We can't follow him because...") would have helped. Even better, if they had sent off 2 or 3 people in the first few episodes of season 1, and we never heard from them again, then (1) at least they tried to see if there was a vacation resort around the island, and (2) then they have a couple of characters in reserve they could pull out in the future for all sorts of cool reasons.

But they didn't hire me as a consultant. Their loss :)

I wish I had the time and money to get and watch the old seasons.
There are so many times where I will talk LOST with someone, and they will be like, "Remember this from Season 3" and I am like, "ummm...I don't remember what I had for lunch!"