Sonata Arctica anyone?

RequiemX said:
Is the $8 draft rumor true?
Yea, but if you buy something on the lower end, i.e. Coors Lite you get the bargain rate of $7.
B.B. Kings gets a lot of cool shows and is a pretty cool set up to see the bands, but it is a total rip off and they milk it to the max. They always have the highest price ticket on a tour and they're always coming up with schemes to get more money. Like if a band is really popular, they'll sell $50 tickets to get in a half hour early. Also the stage is really low and small. Crowd surfers always end up on it, which the bands hate.
Still, I end up there at least once every other month. Metal addict.:headbang:
Look at this face:

Seems to say, "I am NOT paying $8 for a beer! No fuking way!"
Awesome band, both music and "lyrics" :rofl: No, really, they have a bunch of songs with really deep lyrics... Tony Kakko rules, better with every new album.

*modo batallita: ON*
I felt kinda disappointed when they came last year to my country, supporting Nightwish... the speaker announced that they will not be playing, and there was a lot of confusion and shameful situations (e.g. a sort of amateur guitar players contest, chosen from the audience, while the band watched and laughed). The official statement was that Kakko was having some problems with his throat and so on... And then the miracle, the following day they played in another city. Very disappointing.
*modo batallita: OFF*

My personal favourites: White Pearl, Black Oceans, Wolf And Raven, Don't Say a Word, The End Of This Chapter
rockyracoon said:
I celebrate their entire catalog...

he he office space style nice! (i love michael boltons music i celbrate his entire catalog) You people better know what im talking about or else this post makes me sound stupid.
jo jo said:
he he office space style nice! (i love michael boltons music i celbrate his entire catalog) You people better know what im talking about or else this post makes me sound stupid.

hahahaha, office space fucking rules!!!
jo jo said:
he he office space style nice! (i love michael boltons music i celbrate his entire catalog) You people better know what im talking about or else this post makes me sound stupid.
Office Space is a kickass movie. I want a hypnotherapist to do that hypnosis and then stop in the middle. That really would make my life much easier.