May 16, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Did anyone else see an episode of this shitty reality show last week on VH1? Picture this: half way through this stupid weight loss reality show, one of the contestants starts breaking down and crying that she "just can't do it anymore"...and in the background "Windowpane" starts playing...I didn't know weather to laugh or cry....It went for at least 90 seconds...unbelievable

haha .. how odd.. the only time i've heard Opeth on TV is for the random Windowpane video. It just appeared on some really bad musician's channel Jukebox programme on Sky Digital.
I heard windowpane on ROOM RAIDERS.......a show were people chose a date out of three options and all they have to go by is by going through all their stuff in the persons room......i also didnt know to cry or laugh, so it was just confusion...
Seems to be popular on TV or something, or the only song they have the rights to, by Opeth I mean.
i saw roomraiders shit too... i threw my tv out my window.

It was like this girl sayin: "oh Michael is a very nice guy, I think i'd like to fuck with him...

*tun tun tun tun tun... blank face on the windowpane...*

Yeah, he's HOT, i choose him over the other two guys."
I'm wandering weather "Opeth" or roadrunner sign away the rights to their songs for these crappy shows, or if any show can use any song from anyone. I know any promo is good for the record sales but "From Flab To Fab"??????...hmmm I don't think so.
Or in the hope that Opeth will never see it... or any RR people. They underestimated the power of worldwide forums!
The last time I heard Opeth being played by anyone but me was on the radio while me and my friend were on a road trip. I tuned the radio to...Master's Apprentices. My friend was o_O and I was :OMG: . Turns out it was a girl in a car in front of us podcasting. She had good taste in music, so I stalked her for about two hours.
Braighs said:
The last time I heard Opeth being played by anyone but me was on the radio while me and my friend were on a road trip. I tuned the radio to...Master's Apprentices. My friend was o_O and I was :OMG: . Turns out it was a girl in a car in front of us podcasting. She had good taste in music, so I stalked her for about two hours.
LOL awesome!
Holy FACK! Aye... I feel kind of sick after reading about Windowpane being played on a reality show about fat people. I mean shit... Fuckin, whats next? Pimp Mike's Ride? Perhaps we'll see Bassplayer on an episode of Extreme Makeover or some shit? Perhaps MTV will take us inside Peters crib? Only time will tell
Bands/record labels don't "sell" their songs to TV stations or anything like that. When a song is broadcasted on TV or radio, the station/program producer pays a copyright fee to the record label. And yes, they can use just about any music.
Oh, and then there's this neat thing that happened last week. I was at a friend's house having a few beers, we had listened to many records and watched a little bit of Lamentations. Then he decided to turn on the radio, and Ghost of Perdition started playing.