from guitar rig to LE456, need some feedback please

Cabrón, en México también somos chidos, no nada más en Sudamérica; deberían incluir a toda Latinoamérica!!

Anyway, awesome track, man. Very fucking good. I cannot believe it's an amp sim. Is it blended with a real amp? Bass is fucking heavy too! Are those real or programmed drums? (More info on plugins would be nice)
Nice rocking voice, too: Sudamericano, sudamericano! Aguanta, aguanta!
Cabrón, en México también somos chidos, no nada más en Sudamérica; deberían incluir a toda Latinoamérica!!

Anyway, awesome track, man. Very fucking good. I cannot believe it's an amp sim. Is it blended with a real amp? Bass is fucking heavy too! Are those real or programmed drums? (More info on plugins would be nice)
Nice rocking voice, too: Sudamericano, sudamericano! Aguanta, aguanta!

hahah por supuesto q viva mexico y latinoamerica unida! el problema es q la palabra latinoamericano es muy larga y no me entraba en el estribillo de esta cancion, pero ya escribire otra en la que grite por toda latinoamerica :rock:

thanx! guitars are all amp sim, the chain is: tse808 + poulin le456 + catharsis impulse + waves Q8 with some cuts here and there + C4 sneap preset + nomad factory tube tape warmer, all this blended with a send to waves v-comp.
For the bass: ampeg svx + waves api2500 + tubetech pe1c EQ, but in the master chain this time i put a waves maxxbass to make a little more dense low end and i like the result too, the drums are SD 2 metal foundry and izotope nectar for the voice. Sorry for my basic english! hah
Dude... Seriously... THIS TUNE F**KIN' ROCKS ! :rock::rock: I'm curious though how did you get the guitars sound so big? Did your quad-tracked them ? Did you add any reverb on them ?

Keep rockin' !
Hey ñokyd, I've listened to your bands myspace profile - \m/ great stuff !.

Would you tell me the effects chain on the guitar solo track ? Cause it blends really nice with the rest of the mix.

Cheers !
Hey ñokyd, I've listened to your bands myspace profile - m/ great stuff !.

Would you tell me the effects chain on the guitar solo track ? Cause it blends really nice with the rest of the mix.

Cheers !

thanx dude! the chain in this song is: tse808 + poulin le456 + catharsis impulse + waves Q8 with the same settings of the rhythm guitars but with some boost around 1.5k + nomad factory tube tape warmer, all this blended with a send to the same waves v-comp of the rhythm guitars, if you want take a look at this post:
