Excerpt from "CoolDude/PinkBearofDoom" - Trying Lepou's LE456 Amp Sim


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hi ho hey yo!

Quickly tried the new amp sim from Lepou today and used a few riffs from one of my songs to try it out. No bass guitar in the mix, no real drums, too much synths and stuff and it's not really "mixed" so things are... out of balance, but nevermind, you'll hear the guitar tone anyway!

LE456 Test:
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/585020/CoolDude LE456 Test.mp3

And you can compare it to my usual guitar chain:
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/585020/CoolDude Original.mp3

I had lots of trouble with fizz on the LE456.. had an extremely annoying bee hive sound so I went nuts and shaped the 2000-20000 hz area with ReaEQ (used about 17 bands) and ended up with a really really WEIRD tone. Like... It's hard to like it or hate it, atleast for me. When I listen to the LE456 version alone I'm like "Hey this is kinda cool, sort of an unusual-ish guitar tone", but when I compare it with my "standard" tone I feel I've shaped the fizz out too much and my original tone seems to sort of fit better. But then again, I sort of like the "weirdness" of the LE456 clip. Perhaps if I just ease up on the EQ and bring some fizz back in, it might be better... oh well, can't do much about it for today.

Thanks for listening!
Haha yeah, I went nuts because it sounded like a bee hive the size of the moon! Once I was like "Ok... the bees are gone", I had this tone in my hands and once I compared it to my original tone I was like "Ooookay... yeah well... not much of an upgrade, FAIL!" ^^ New amp, new things to be learned.. oh man :|
hmm I would just try for an impulse that suits it better. Will be much more natural then carving with an eq

I like it with Aradaz Our Cabinet. Set with a 6505 and soldano impulse. In fact that is what I use for all amp sims. These are pretty bright, but in a good way IMO
hmm I would just try for an impulse that suits it better. Will be much more natural then carving with an eq

I like it with Aradaz Our Cabinet. Set with a 6505 and soldano impulse. In fact that is what I use for all amp sims. These are pretty bright, but in a good way IMO

Cool! Yeah, I might try another impulse, thanks for the suggestion :) But I think I'll stick to my regular guitar chain since it feels like it really suits the music... but then again, if I can get the same tone out of freeware stuff, it would be even better.