New look for LePou's LE456

And btw, when I have talked about good skinners out there you were one I had you in mind.

Ha ha. Thank you LePou, that means a lot coming from you. Little do many know what I actually do for a living, I am a 3D designer and I work for a major design firm. So I am a graphic designer who has migrated into 3D animation, specifically environmental 3D design and animation.

So I have the capabilities to skin, but at the end of a long work week, I'd rather come home and record some music with your incredible plug ins. :) But again LePou, the bottom line is that your ampsims deserve nothing but the best because they are the best! That's how I feel about your work. I was just willing, "just like nervirasme" to pitch in any way I could to help make your plugins the best they possibly could be.

I absolutly love nervirasme's work and feel it compliments your work very well. I don't care who is doing the work or getting credit for it. At the end of the day the goal should be to make your plug ins the best they possibly can be. I would have to think the other skinners that have donated their time to your plug ins would agree. I just think it would make total sense for all of your plug ins to have a cohesive appearance and identity. This is branding and design 101 we're talkin about here. :)

If a donation would help twist your arms, I'm happy to throw some cash your way.