From one great band to another


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
This is something I've always wondered about and to answer in depth would take to much time so maybe someone else can chime in.
I'm probably the only one here who does'nt know anyway.

Why did you not stay with Death and Obituary?
Why did you jump around so much? These 2 bands are of the all time best and to leave either one just kinda blows me away unless you could'nt get along with certain members.
You were such a great addition to them.
And then there was Cancer, Disincarnate and Testament.
Did you have a goal to be in as many great bands as possible? :)
I know you had your reasons and I repect that. I'm still to this day curious to know what those reasons were. That's all.
Death... me and Chuck didn't see eye-to-eye for a while. in later years we got over our differences.

Obituary... i was always just a temporary replacement for Alan West in those guy's eyes. i would have stayed on, but once Alan wanted back in, i was done... c'est la vie.

Cancer... i was never a member.. i was already writing the disincarnate material and working up interest for a deal.. but i had some time so i hooked up with Cancer as a guest, at their request. it's pretty common knowledge that i was never a member though.

Disincarnate... i didn't "hook up with them"... i was them.. my band, my music.. and still is.. new album forthcoming on Nuclear Blast some time next year.

Testament... still good buddies with them.. i was in the band until i simply got too sick with the tumor to carry on. i simply wasn't functioning properly anymore. i sat the demonic album out for reasons too numerous to count... for one though i had waaaay too much on my plate already, and they didn't really want solos per se on that album. i came back on The Gathering because i had a bit more time and they wanted solos again... some anyway.
James Murphy said:
it's pretty common knowledge that i was never a member though.
Sorry James, I have lead a pretty sheltered life! Disincarnate though I knew was your own. Not that sheltered!
:D I was thinking there were a few good years for Dis to do more before
Testament. My timeline memory was foggy but it's clear now. Glad to hear a new one is on it's way!

Obituary: Did they know Allen was coming back and were waiting for him or do you
feel they would have replaced you anyway? If the latter, why?

May I ask also what were the things that you and Chuck did'nt see eye to eye on?
wow... talk about giving someone ane an inch and having them try to take a mile...

Radd said:
Obituary: Did they know Allen was coming back and were waiting for him or do you feel they would have replaced you anyway? If the latter, why?
i don't "feel" any way about it... that's just what happened, Allan wanted back in and they never wanted him to leave in the first place. end of story. bad enough to pick a scab, much less one that's not there. don't read too much into things... listen to music, that what i suggest as a better use of your time.

Radd said:
May I ask also what were the things that you and Chuck did'nt see eye to eye on?
no you may not. first of all, it's ancient history that i mostly can't remember details of. secondly, if me and Chuck got over it and put it behind us then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to air out old dirty laundry here now... i wouldn't even if i remembered everything because it's not important historically... only the music is... and i certainly wouldn't do it just to feed someone's morbid curiosity.

glad you're looking forward to the new disincarnate. :headbang:
NESFantasy said:
Thanks for explaining that, James. I learned a little bit.
Same here. Thanks to James for clearing it up and to the original poster for asking the initial questions.

There were rumors initially on the Megadeth boards 'back in the day' that Marty Friedman apparently had told Dave to not hire James for supposed reasons that he was a 'band hopper' to put it politely.

Now I know the truth that the reason James was not in was because of his illness, and not because of Marty's apparent negative comments. I also now know why James was in so many bands.

I'm an idiot for taking rumors into account.
Nitronium Blood said:
Same here. Thanks to James for clearing it up and to the original poster for asking the initial questions.

There were rumors initially on the Megadeth boards 'back in the day' that Marty Friedman apparently had told Dave to not hire James for supposed reasons that he was a 'band hopper' to put it politely.

Now I know the truth that the reason James was not in was because of his illness, and not because of Marty's apparent negative comments. I also now know why James was in so many bands.

I'm an idiot for taking rumors into account.
ha ha ha... man, people just pull shit out of their butts it seems.. whoever originated that particular rumor is an imbecile. point of fact, the only reason i got an audition with Megadeth is because MARTY RECOMMENDED ME!.. jeez.. how hard is that to figure out... lol