This is something I've always wondered about and to answer in depth would take to much time so maybe someone else can chime in.
I'm probably the only one here who does'nt know anyway.
Why did you not stay with Death and Obituary?
Why did you jump around so much? These 2 bands are of the all time best and to leave either one just kinda blows me away unless you could'nt get along with certain members.
You were such a great addition to them.
And then there was Cancer, Disincarnate and Testament.
Did you have a goal to be in as many great bands as possible?
I know you had your reasons and I repect that. I'm still to this day curious to know what those reasons were. That's all.
This is something I've always wondered about and to answer in depth would take to much time so maybe someone else can chime in.
I'm probably the only one here who does'nt know anyway.
Why did you not stay with Death and Obituary?
Why did you jump around so much? These 2 bands are of the all time best and to leave either one just kinda blows me away unless you could'nt get along with certain members.
You were such a great addition to them.
And then there was Cancer, Disincarnate and Testament.
Did you have a goal to be in as many great bands as possible?

I know you had your reasons and I repect that. I'm still to this day curious to know what those reasons were. That's all.