From the "I told you so..." files


The Beast
Aug 30, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Report: SAXON's World Record Air Guitar Attempt Goes Embarrassingly Wrong - Jan. 22, 2007

Yorkshire Post reports: An unusual record attempt made at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough ground [in the United Kingdom] on Saturday (Jan. 20) may yet make it into the next "Guinness World Records" book — despite a lack of enthusiasm from the 29,100 fans who were there.

Veteran South Yorkshire rock band SAXON were aiming for a record in a new category — the largest-ever air guitar ensemble.

The rockers came out on the pitch at half-time during the Owls' game with Sunderland and tried to persuade the crowd to join in, air-guitar style, with them.

But it looked as if SAXON's status as local heroes had faded since they came out of Barnsley to ride the heavy metal wave of the 1980s — their performance was greeted with boos rather than the enthusiasm they were hoping for. What was worse, Wednesday lost 4-2.

Yesterday SAXON were on their way to Germany, but a spokesman for the band said a Guinness Publishing representative who witnessed the event had given them a certificate saying the record would be recognized, subject to evidence that at least some of the crowd had taken part.

The spokesman, Paul McEntee, said: "Wednesday were 2-0 down and their fans did not want to know but I have videotape of some of the Sunderland contingent joining in."

Check out pictures of SAXON's "Guinness World Records" attempt:


SAXON play Sheffield City Hall on Friday.

Wow, what were the boy's think'n????????????????
Secondary thought....

Didn't anyone read this board before....... this took place.....for an idea on how it WAS going to turn out?????????????????

f@#ken embarrasing, Saxon's management and the band need a nice swift boot to the chops this morning for coming up with this idea.
Glad to know that US tour is being postponed so then can finish up with important career choices like this.

Spinal Tap is laughing at these guys

love ya guys, but damn this is funny. those pics are friken priceless. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"Saxon's attempt to break the world record for the most people playing air guitar at the same time might have actually failed. It happened at Hillsborough during the half-time interval in the football match between Sheffield Wednesday and Sunderland, when around 30,000 fans were encouraged to play air guitar to new Saxon single 'If I Was You'. Yet, despite earlier reports that they'd succeeded, now it seems the crowd were less than enthusiastic."

Yeah its like crusader said and they are right vicious bastards those people who comment on blabbermouth most of the time anyway!

Thanks for posting the link to the pictures liama mate...

i really dont know what else to say... :erk:
about 2/3s said positive stuff, a 1/3 are a bunch of dick head twats.

i dno about how influential saxon is on up and coming bands, but all bands from the up to the late 90s must have been influenced by them, and even bands like trivium rip off saxon (though they can do it well sometimes), so these cunts on blabbermouth dont know shit cause they dont appreciate saxon.
i really dont know what else to say... :erk:

Ok...I will say something! I really think Doug just oozes sexiness!! :D You can always trust me to say something irrelevant :lol: Good on those people that joined in, as well - nice to know not everyone has their heads up their arses and are too scared to have a bit of a laugh in case it ruins their "street cred"!
I love Saxon to death but this was not a good idea. It does make them look Spinal Tap'ish. I think that the main problem is that the audience were not the type of people that listen to a band like Saxon or would even get into playing "air guitar". Had this occurred at some type of rock event it wouldn't have come off as so ridiculous. You can tell from the pictures that the audience had no clue what was going on. :erk:
Biff doesnt like football at all, he once said I know why..ghe,ghe. But there has been publicity , ... so and now lets go for the content and not for the make-up-and- lace people that surround Saxon k ?..
