
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Interview with Michael Kenney (Irrumator, Migg, etc.) of Frost (Anaal Nathrakh, Mistress, etc.)
March 29, 2003
By Nathan Pearce

The evolution of black metal has brought many changes in all shapes, forms, and sounds. It has been twisted with technology, over-melodicized with various choirs and orchestras, and pulverized with sheer over-the-top necro spite. Yet there is one band that has decided enough is enough. In particular, there is one man that has decided black metal needs a filthy kick in the balls. Michael Kenney, better known as Irrumator of Anaal Nathrakh, took it upon himself to create the filthy British black metal band Frost. By all means Frost is a throw-back to the times of early Mayhem, Immortal, and Darkthrone. However, Migg, as Michael calls himself with Frost, hasn’t simply created music to glorify days of the past; he has brought the past to the future and has revitalized it in the process.


Frost ‘Cursed Again’ is the essence of filthy necro black metal with the modern production to go along with it. The songs also seem to take shape with a slightly more modern structure. Less emphasis is placed on simplicity for simplicity’s sake and more emphasis is placed on overall atmosphere.

With that in mind, Frost stormed onto the British metal scene. People quickly embraced them. Was this somewhat surprising to you Migg?

To be honest, I thought the reaction for Frost would be like, “oh yeah it’s good, but not as good as Anaal Nathrakh,” but it hasn't worked out like that at all. The album reached number 4 in the reader's poll and was also voted in the best newcomer section. I have read many great reviews in metal mags and websites, which I am fucking pleased about, but also quite surprised!


On your website, you have announced you will be playing some live shows with Frost. You have recruited live performers to help carry the load that you took upon yourself during the recording process. Who will be playing what instruments, and how do you think this will work in a live setting?

OK, so far I have recruited Si Lucas from a band called THE MURDER OF . . .; they are some kind of spazy grind act. I liked Si's style very much and he seemed right for the job.We have bass being played by my brother, Misery, from Mistress, the Fog and Shid will do vocals, of course, and second guitars will be hopefully my friend Seth Teitan 131 of Italian cyber squad, ABORYM. He had agreed. It's just a matter of getting his ass over here for the shows. I am real exited about this; it will be grim as fuck.

You have also announced you are getting ready for the recording of the next Frost album. Will you do all the writing again?

Yes. I have already written 7 tracks. Hopefully by the time we have finished recording the new MISTRESS album that I am doing now, I should have all the new material together, ready to record. The release date will be next January so I have plenty of time to work on this.

Will you play all the instruments again?


How will the next Frost album differ from 'Cursed Again'?

I am pretty sure that some people might be a little surprised with the new material. It is slightly different from what you hear on ‘Cursed Again’. It definitely has the same feel and vibe, but I feel the sound is also very much more “mature”. The songs and dynamics are much more powerful, and also the speed has dropped a few notches. It is on the whole much stronger material. Im pretty sure it will work very well live also.

I've noticed you have had some pretty cool projects in the works. First off, what is your involvement with the filthy sludge/grind band Mistress?

I am the drummer. My older brother plays main guitars, and he writes a lot of the material. I help out a lot with the arrangements, etc., but rarely write any riffs. Maybe I will advise with the odd few notes or something, but mistress is very much more a band effort then most of my endeavors.

You've announced Mistress will be recording soon in your Necrodeath Studios. Will you have the same involvement with the band this go around?

Yes, like I already said, we have begun work on our second full-length album. I managed to get all the drums down in a day - this week in fact. I am recording the album myself again. I am feeling much more confident as a producer now. So I hope that the results will be crushing!

I know you have many other projects you are involved with. Could you please highlight a few of them, and tell me your involvement?

Fukpig - I play drums for this. It is like super blasting 1989 style grindcore.
Professor Fate - this is a project I am working on at the moment also. Attila Csihar (ex-Mayhem/Aborym) will be joining me on vocals. This is quite strange music though. It is not metal; more like dark electronic music with heavy orchestras. I am forming a project with Shane Embury called BORN TO MURDER THE WORLD, but this is still in its very early stages. I also played drums on the new Disgust album.

Do you see yourself as a drummer, musician, producer, or a little of everything?

Well, I have only been playing drums for about 4 years. I have been playing guitar for about 11 years. I just see myself as an ARTIST. I like to create music and record it. So I just learned to do it all by my self, because that's just the kind of person I am. I like to work alone on things; I like to create something that I have in my head.

What types of bands is Necrodeath Studios targeting for recording? Will you record anybody that will pay you, or do they have to have some affiliation with filthy, necro, or hateful music?

Mainly I only get to record local demo bands, which is cool for me. I will record any one, yes. It is a job for me. It would be great for some bands to come to me and say, “we really love the sound of your albums. Make us sound like that!” But this hasn't happened yet. Oh, apart from the disgust album. So all you bands out there go look at!!!

I'm currently trying to learn the basics of digital recording. Could you please describe you studio set-up?

My studio is pretty basic really. I have a digital 16-track recorder. Lots of good mics, which are essential, compressors, effects etc., and mastering equipment which I have and use at my small studio in my house.

How do you see the current state of black metal?

I don't really know anything about it, to be honest. I haven't been paying attention to the extreme metal scene for a while now. I have become a little numb to it, I think. I feel like I’ve been searching for music, but I never find anything that I want to hear. That's one of the reasons I create the music that I do.


Anaal Nathrakh has recently released a compilation of some older demos, covers, and so on. When can we expect the next full-length installment of pure necro Armageddon?

We have also released a brand new 6 track EP called 'WHEN FIRE RAINS DOWN FROM THE SKY', but the label was stupid and released it at the same time as the demo CD. I’d say at least another year yet before we do another album.


How will the next Anaal Nathrakh album differ from 'The Codex Necro'?

It will be more fucked up, more extreme, more brutal, more devastating and of course MORE NECRO!

Doom Funeral

Rage Of Achilles

Ultimate Metal review of Frost ‘Cursed Again’