Frustration in a metal store.


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001
In the metal store in Melbourne, some of you may know (Metal Mayhem on Flinders Street), they've got 'Last Fair Deal Gone' wrapped in plastic, and with it there's the 'Tonight's Music' ep.

Anyway, I ask him if I can get the e.p by itself, but he tells me it doesn't come on its own... I sigh and tell him that it does, but he assures me that you can only get it by purchasing LFDGD at the same time.

So I haven't got it yet...

And that guy sucks the big one.
I was thinking of getting it and selling my old LFDGD cheaply to a friend.

But then I decided I wouldn't be dictated to by the money making music nazis who are trying to get me to buy the album twice.

I'll have to find another method....

It's just annoying when the guy told me categorically that it wasn't available. What's his problem?? It's pretty obvious it IS available, he just couldn't be bothered dealing with me.
Was that guy the manager? If he was not, you can ask to see the manager and explain your situation.

Most stores would do something that simple as separating the albums to please their customers to make sure they come back.
honestly, i'd be surprised if they separated them... then they end up with it unshrinkwrapped, and without the e.p. to sell to the next guy who wants it. you certainly probably could, tho, convince a manager (who's willing to listen to you) to order the e.p. on its own for you... either that, or i bought mine through the end records ( for 8 bucks, free shipping (in US, at least... i'm not sure about australia)... they tend to have great prices, and a fair (if somewhat spotty) selection... might be worth a look...
Ok - this might be because I'm addicted to buying cd's... but I'd
buy it, man! In some time the EP is worth a whole lot more than
the album. (Ok - u know that already).

I have several albums double... because of re-releases and x-tra
material, new packaging and god knows what.

(But I do understand your frustration... at the same time: I've
worked enough in shops to know that if they do come in a
package... that's how it is. If u're lucky, u can change their mind, though)
It's just bullshit when they actually tell you straight out that it's only available in the package.

His mind was made up, as if he knew fucking more about it than I did.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll think of something. Maybe I'll just buy the fucking thing and be done with it.
Originally posted by Demonspell
Does this mean we'll soon see a LFDGD + ep tracks reissue? :)

Next time I'm there I'm going to buy it.

I just can't go without it and I'm not sure about talking my girlfriend into using her card on the internet.... Has anyone from Australia ordered from theendrecords? I wonder what would be the best bet for me....
hi there,
i got another problem with buying katatonia... i'd like to purchase some of the older albums. i got lfdgd which is great, but i have a sample of "i break" which persuaded me to order the album where it's on (can't recall the name right now). but every store (germany) and every internet shop says this title is discontinued. i had the same problems with opeth older than "still life". so where can i get stuff like that? i wouldn't like buying used stuff or something @ ebay and the likes. do the record labels still sell 'em? it would be great if you could tell me a store/e-shop in germany or the EU since it would decrease my order costs. thanks in advance.
okay, so heres the deal, the distributer, at least the one here in the UK, (maybe its Europe too) went bust or something, and so the album stopped selling. only place to get Discouraged ones is from the internet or a small record shop type place, where its likely they bought it of the internet. i suppose as there wasnt much demand for the album they didnt bother re-releasing it, pity really, seeing as its probably ones of the best albums ive ever heard...