FS: ENGL E570 preamp + Mesa/Boogie 2:50

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
For the swedes on the forum I'm giving you a chance to own a kickass rig!

As most of you know I have a ENGL Savage and then this rig. I've decided to get rid of the rack since I'm more of a amphead kind of guy. They sound fairly similar, though the ENGL 570 have loads more options and modes to make a diverse sound. For more info check engl-amps.de

The package contains: ENGL E570 preamp in mint condition, a used Mesa Boogie 2:50 with new tubes and a 5HE pink rack.

So if you happen to pass by stockholm I will sell this for 19000 swedish crowns(or 1800€)

Here is a small clip I recorded yesterday playing the rig:

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I didn't see it actually! Going there now!


It was posted in your ENGL screamer thread... but here it is again. Youtube vid unfortunately.


So what, everyone says that it's my fingers that does the sound, but I don't believe that bullshit ;)

You have the perfect oppurtunity to buy my sound in this thread!

I'm going to have to agree with the fingers. I don't know where yours have been...but it works.