FS: Focal Twin 6BE + stands (Finns only!)

Sorry dudes from other countries, but shipping these would be a pain in the ass and I'm too concerned they'd be damaged or lost on the way, so I'm only selling these to fellow Finns.

In short, I have zero need for my Focal Twin monitors now and I'm in desperate need for some quick cash. I'm giving away a pair of Ultimate Support stands to go with them. You can check out the FS ad here: http://muusikoiden.net/tori/nayta.php?id=732494

The set is about 3150€ new, so the 1950€ price (including deductable VAT if required and warranty) is a joke.

You can also share the ad if you feel like helping out an old-timer in trouble! Thanks!
Maybe this isn't the right place to ask but care to elaborate why you feel you don't need them?
They are on my short list of possible future monitoring system upgrade...