FS/FT Krank Rev1

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
I want a 5150, JCM 2000, or Dual Rec. So I am parting ways with my backup head.

Anyways its a mint condition Krank Rev1. Black and Chrome grill. I am more interested in trades but will sell it for the right price so make me an offer. CONUS only.

Its the bottom head in this retarted picture.

Well needless to say I would suggest you do everything in your power to score a Dual Rec, but you had a Roadster, so surely you don't need me to tell you how awesome the whole series is! (except the Single Rec for some reason, bleehhhhh)
dude I am gonna call Tim and get you a job at Mesa bc you advertise that head like crazy. I am considering a Dual Rec too so I will add that also.
The triple rec's and new dual rec's suck though. I always hated the Mesa's because I could never dial anything useful in on either one. As soon as I heard that Nevemore's DHIADW was Racktifier, I got one, and damn was I happy.

I have a Rocktron Vendetta 100 watt tube head that has ALL BRAND NEW JJ power tubes and preamp tubes with LESS THAN an hour on them which I'd consider trading for your Rev, let me know if you're interested.


Here's a great review http://www.musicianshotline.com/archive/reviews/rocktron_vendetta.htm
The triple rec's and new dual rec's suck though. I always hated the Mesa's because I could never dial anything useful in on either one. As soon as I heard that Nevemore's DHIADW was Racktifier, I got one, and damn was I happy.

Nah, with the new ones, the trick apparently is just avoiding the red channel like the plague and sticking with the orange, and I've heard plenty of awesome clips that support this! (never played one myself though) And the 2 ch. Triples and Duals are the same, btw, except for more power/headroom (and the racktifier is just a 2 ch. Dual in a rack-mounted chassis ;))

Kyle, a job would be great, an endorsement would be even better! :D
Well needless to say I would suggest you do everything in your power to score a Dual Rec, but you had a Roadster, so surely you don't need me to tell you how awesome the whole series is! (except the Single Rec for some reason, bleehhhhh)

why not the single? when I a/b'd the 3 rectos a while back, the single was the champ to me for detuned metal...
Oy, not in my experience - I've never directly A/B'ed them, but I've spent a fair amount of time with a 2-channel Triple and own a 2-channel Dual, and the Single just sounded like balls each time I tried it (through a Recto OS cab, no less); it was harsh and buzzy sounding, but at the same time undergained/unsaturated, cuz trying to turn up the gain just made it more harsh/buzzy IME. Also, I have yet to hear any good clips of it recorded, but I've heard some bad ones! (one of the two channels, either L or R, on Insomnium's "Above the Weeping World" is a Single Rec, for example; the other is a Framus Cobra, another amp I'm not too keen on)
I may want to buy a Mesa sometime in the near future, and can't decide on which. I have been thinking what amp do i want next, but honestly, Mesa has been on my mind for years. Just something about it suites me :confused:
and i have been reading that the "2 channel versions are better" BS is untrue

They absolutely do. If I go into Guitar Center with my own guitar, go up to a dual rec, put the SAME eq settings as my rackmount dual at home, run it through a Mesa Standard 4x12 with V30's, put a Tube Screamer in front of it and it sounds like a buzzsaw with a floppy woppy low end, it sucks. There's no excuse for an amp that doesn't cut it, especially after technological advances. They supposedly IMPROVED the amp, yet Metaltastic is saying "avoid the red channel like the plague." That's like telling someone with a 5150 to "avoid the lead channel like the plague." The rectifier is all about its tight thump and grind. The new three channel triples and duals sound like a single-recto (which I've tried to Record on several occasions and have gotten NO good results with) that's got the runs. :puke: If the three channel versions were better, I would have bought one instead of driving to Connecticut to trade someone one of my favorite guitars for one.
Well you can also read that the 2 channel "BS" is true ;) I haven't played a 3-channel yet, but I've heard from sources I trust who have played both that the 3-channels sound just a bit more "processed" sounding, but still fucking awesome (James/TheShred has posted some great clips of his, and I dig the tone on Misery Signals' "Controller," though it does have that semi-processed sound). My friend down the road has a 3-channel Dual; I'm gonna see if I can borrow his to settle this once and for all!

And on the 3-channels, the Red and Orange channels are identical except that the red has a REALLY aggressive presence knob, so perhaps Greg you just had it dialed in too high! (this info is all from the manual, which also advises keeping the pres. knob below 10 o'clock on the red, and you can even call Mesa and they'll send you an Orange channel presence knob to replace it with, giving you two identical channels!)
They absolutely do. If I go into Guitar Center with my own guitar, go up to a dual rec, put the SAME eq settings as my rackmount dual at home, run it through a Mesa Standard 4x12 with V30's, put a Tube Screamer in front of it and it sounds like a buzzsaw with a floppy woppy low end, it sucks. There's no excuse for an amp that doesn't cut it, especially after technological advances. They supposedly IMPROVED the amp, yet Metaltastic is saying "avoid the red channel like the plague." That's like telling someone with a 5150 to "avoid the lead channel like the plague." The rectifier is all about its tight thump and grind. The new three channel triples and duals sound like a single-recto (which I've tried to Record on several occasions and have gotten NO good results with) that's got the runs. :puke: If the three channel versions were better, I would have bought one instead of driving to Connecticut to trade someone one of my favorite guitars for one.

Firstly nobody said avoid the red channel its common knowledge you need to turn the presence down to 9 o'clock or below, you would know that if you had spent a fair bit of time with one and/or researched it. Single rectos and dual rectos sound nothing like each other and mine has tight thump and grind so im afraid that dosent wash. The three channels might not be BETTER but they certaintly don't "suck" as you so nicely put it.