FS: Orange Tiny Terror


Feb 20, 2005
GOD do I hate to do this, cuz I really do love this amp, but the fact is in my current financial situation as a college student, now that I have a Dual Rectifier (and a car :ill: ) I really can't afford the luxury of having another tube amp as well. So the Tiny Terror has to go for the time being. Fantastic condition, one small scratch (1.5" long or so) on the top, made in Korea (not China like the current ones), with JJ EL84's in the power section and a Shuguang 9th gen. in V1 (or a Tung Sol 12AX7, whichever the buyer wants, I personally prefer the Shuguang) and a JJ ECC83 (12AX7) in V2. $440 shipped in the US, comes with bag!
Humm? Does it come with running costs on a monthly basis or why do you have to sell it since you already own it?
All you Americans...buying stuff without being able to afford it in the first place :lol:
Yes, yes, I'm young and impulsive, it's a curse :) The main thing is I bought it before I got my student loan, which allowed me to afford the Rectifier and car, and while I'm not in a desperate need for money, I'd just like to have a decent emergency fund should my brakes fail or something
Lol a $440 tire chock that sounds pretty wicked when a guitar is plugged into it.

All you Americans...buying stuff without being able to afford it in the first place :lol:

I'm sorry, but this statement is ridiculously ignorant. What's wrong with someone selling a piece of gear because they need a bit of cash? How does that in any way say he buys things he can't afford in the first place, and how would that say that all American's do the same thing?

We're not the only ones in an economic recession... you guys are just entering yours.
I'm sorry, but this statement is ridiculously ignorant. What's wrong with someone selling a piece of gear because they need a bit of cash? How does that in any way say he buys things he can't afford in the first place, and how would that say that all American's do the same thing?

We're not the only ones in an economic recession... you guys are just entering yours.

I wasn't gonna make a stink about that, but thanks Jeff, cuz it did kinda get to me.
I'm sorry, but this statement is ridiculously ignorant. What's wrong with someone selling a piece of gear because they need a bit of cash? How does that in any way say he buys things he can't afford in the first place, and how would that say that all American's do the same thing?

We're not the only ones in an economic recession... you guys are just entering yours.

Hahaha, easy Jeff, I know it was an ignorant statement, I was just kiddin.
A bit of a thin skin there, eh? :cool:
Bump - just got a speeding ticket AND found out I need a new pair of tires! But it's still $440 shipped in the US, so don't even think about lowballing :)
Ah, it's tempting, man, but my ebay auction on my axis pedals has a ways to go before I even see if I'll have any money, plus I need to try to unload an Alsesis DM5 for some additional fundage, and at that point a nice used 5150 might be better for me. I hope you get it sold though! I feel your "'Buy my shit, dammit' Blues". Nowhere near the reserve on my pedals yet. :(
No sweat dude, like I said in my PM, I definitely don't wanna pressure anybody here. As a semi-experienced ebay seller, though, lemme give you a piece of advice - NEVER EVER EVER EVER use reserve prices! God I fucking hate them so motherfucking much. And honestly, I think the whole bidding format sucks ass unless you have no idea what you could get for your item, and want the bidders to decide. I've learned the best way to sell things is using a fixed price (rather than bidding, you select it when listing your item), and you can also turn on the "best offer" option (and set it to automatically decline offers below a certain point to deny the fucking lowballers). Cuz I know as an ebay buyer, I ALWAYS look for a "buy it now" option to save myself the hassle of doing the fucking bidding game. And more importantly, with a fixed price listing, you can list it for up to 30 days for the same price, rather than having to relist every 10 days (at most) with an auction!