FTR lyrics

its ok now i have them on a flash drive that im taking in tomorrow i was just pissed that i couldnt have had them this morning
Regarding "hiiohei":
Its' really just an exclamation, sort of a sailor- or a pirate-thingy. Really no translation for it...
Thanks! Maybe like the "hoo-ha" that US soldiers do, or "yippiekiyay" from Die Hard, hahaha.

Edit: better yet, maybe it's like "yo ho ho"!
I saw the lyrics of the new album but in song Outremer I read this part
Jerusalem - the powder keg
Lying at our Fathers feet
The inferior holding the light
That shall burn the sky
I didn't get it , can any one tell is it against Muslim or not just asking???????
Jerusalem is a holy land for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Read here:

I don't know what light they are talking about - nukes, right? Here's some Israel nuclear weapon speculation:

I'm a muslim, true that the Jerusalem is the home to all three religions, will be intrested though to know what Kalmah mean by that part..could mean a million diffrent things..
I certainly didn't interpret it as anti-Muslim, even though that's the trend in stupid Western thinking. Maybe the point is that the religions will never be able to get along (in general) and this will be the end of us all?

I am still a little bit shocked this album is actually talking about Christ directly, for the first time. I guess the first song on the first album (Evil in You) was a pretty big hint where they stood, but why wait this long to say it directly? I want to interview Pekka about his beliefs, because the lyrics could be interpreted many different ways.
I saw the lyrics of the new album but in song Outremer I read this part
Jerusalem - the powder keg
Lying at our Fathers feet
The inferior holding the light
That shall burn the sky
I didn't get it , can any one tell is it against Muslim or not just asking???????

Well.. "The inferior holding the light" seemed quite clear to me. 'Lucifer' means 'the carrier of light'. and Devil is inferior to God - at least I belive it :p

"That shall burn the sky" - I guess this one is about Armageddon.

Thats my interpretation... Not sure if its 'correct' :rolleyes:
I thought it was about some kind of modern-age crusade against Islam. We are letting Christianity go down and Islam gets stronger. "Three points of View nothing else to do But to submit or rule"

I may be wrong... my second interpretation is that Jerusalem, beeing sacred for the 3 main religions, is a powder keg that will explode some day. One religion will try to conquer it in a major war "Three points of View nothing else to do But to submit or rule" Who's going to rule?

"Deus vult (Latin, God wills it) was the cry of the people at the declaration of the First Crusade by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095[1]."

"The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the dual goals of conquering the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and freeing the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule"
for me the "three points of view" were the three main values for a knight: God, honour, fatherland. Or sth of this kind... not sure if im right...

but your idea hidious is also very interesting.
I don't have any idea what is actually being discussed in this thread, but I have a question about some FTR lyrics. In "Like a Slave", what is the chant in the chorus after Pekka screams "Like a slave...BLANK BLANK BLANK"? Anyone care to fill in the blanks. Also, is anyone working on any FTR tabs?
I don't have any idea what is actually being discussed in this thread, but I have a question about some FTR lyrics. In "Like a Slave", what is the chant in the chorus after Pekka screams "Like a slave...BLANK BLANK BLANK"? Anyone care to fill in the blanks. Also, is anyone working on any FTR tabs?

its "Hiiohei!"
and its not a word of any sort but just a chant

this has been discussed somewhere but im not quite sure now where it was...

maybe this very thread? :p
Haha yeah I should really read threads before I go posting a specific question that has already specifically been answered! That's kind of funny that they're just chanting. Maybe heeioheei or whatever will be Kalmah's new staple similar to Alexi's "yaaaoowww!" and every track will have some glorious heeioohee moments...