FU! Always check your headphones guys...


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Ok... fuck ... im totally all in goosebumps now. I was listening to some music and something was tickling my left ear...and it was THIS....


You know the myth.... they can get inside your ear and cut your eardrum... but i found out that they are to weak to do that :D ... fucking sick anyway... i hate fucking cockroaches! FUCK!

ALWAYS CHECK GUYS! :zombie::zombie::zombie:
@llanafreak44: You don't have these in America... this is an European cockroach i think...

And i sure developed a headphonephobia ... that sux now...
In the headphones... it was "resting" between the headphone "pillow" and the speaker ... they tend to crawl into tight spaces...
Ok guys...who gives a fucking fuck it's fucking digusting... and yeah... found out that the EARWIG lives in America, Eurasia and Australia... check check check! :D
Meh, they aren't that bad, come on.

We found one or two from time to time in our basement 'cause this summer was very hot and humid.

Kill 'em, who cares anyway.
Yeah, that's most certainly an earwig! It's a myth indeed that they have anything to do with ears, you just happen to have coincidentally manifested a stereotype :lol:

I seem to have a bit of an infestation in my house at the moment. My son was playing on the floor yesterday when he yelped, I picked him up and an earwig crawled off his leg, and it had given him a little pinch. They can't do any damage, it just kinda... well... pinches. On very rare occasions it can break the skin, but anything to do with stings, venoms, injections, eating etc is all myth.