Fuck Blind Guardian! Symphony X rules!


Lost In Everything
Jun 10, 2002
Threshold of Hell
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Just got back from the San Antonio gig and get this shit. The groups had to fucking cancel. Why? Because Andre from BG fucking blew out the power during soundcheck. They had an electrition there for 3 hours to get the problem fixed, but no dice. No problem though. That shit happens and its understandable.


Symphony X fucking hung out with the people way after the show was suppose to go on. They even announced it to the crowd. Now the fuck BG part comes in because they didnt do shit! They fucking stayed behind curtains in the club and hid in their damn bus. The roadies packed all their shit and the band took off maybe an hour after the show was canceled. Just bailed. Hardly anyone met the members and got pictures. They fucking pussied out! Because of this I have lost respect for BG, who just ended up seeming like GnR. They should have at least been out there for the fans. It wasnt a mob out there at all, so it woulda been all good. But no, theyre big in Europe and shit, saw the small club and just didnt give a shit.

Symphony X though was awesome. Now I like SX, but am not a huge fan cause I havent heard too much. That changes tonight though because SX are some of the coolest bastards Ive ever met. Down to earth and everything. Me and my buddies (8 of us) were able to get pics and autographs. Than we fucking kicked back with the band. I hung out with Michael Romeo and hes a cool bastard. We talked up a storm and he hung out smoking putting his arm around us for pics and everything. We talked alot, he even left to talk to other people and take care of business but came back and talked more! Saying how bad he felt and he wanted to hook us up with some shirts (merchandise was stashed away in a trailer locked up). They ended up losing $5,000! I felt sorry for him. He was starting up convos with my sis and everything. Really Awesome guy. I talked to Mike Pinella alot to and made jokes with him and everything. Really great guy, pics and autographs as well with him. I found out the truth behind the houston show and everything. I also met Jason Rullo (met, its really hang out with these guys) and hes real nice and down to earth. Little guy, Im surprised how short he was, But he was awesome. Now the guy of the night was Mike Lepond. He was talking with everyone. He stayed in one spot and took pics and autographs. the whole night! We talked some about Basses and shit, but he met some people there and they talked ALL night, they ended up taking off with them cause they were going to treat him to authentic mexican food!! So he jsut took off and said bye to everyone and shit. Way cool! When we were kicking back with Romeo we told him to take off to my cousins lake house (he was there too) so they can all jam since they got time to kill. He seemed cool about and everything saying it would rule and we bulshitted about that. Of course an excuse came up, but I think he considered it. He (as well as the rest of the boys) were actually in mine and my buddies conversations! Some people would interupt once in awhile but theyd just leave and wed continue talking. Mainly Romeo and Pinella were the ones wed talk to the most and theyd come back. I never met Russel though, that guys was a damn recluse and wouldnt meet anybody. Needless to say Romeo was able to squeze out some merchandise and hook us up. I got an Odessey tour shirt with dates.

All in all it was one of the greatest nights of my life. Im leaving out tons of stuff we talked about, but thats expected. To sum it up though Ive lost all respect for BG for at least not being out there like SX. I know Ill get some shit from those here who may worship BG but so fucking what. SX will always have my support and everything because they showed they were stand up guys who were class acts.

Ohh yea, I even got video with them!!!!! My buddy ran to his car and grabbed a video camera!! Its too damn cool.

*May be edited later for additions.
Why judge Blind Guardian on a single, isolated incident, that is an exception to the rule? Hansi and the boys are well-known for being very down-to-earth and accessible.
A rather hasty judgment, isn't it?
This tour may seem to go bad. But I read good reports about Symphony X just about "everywere" . Even when they do not play they are creating loads of good will. And that's damn important too!
Originally posted by Hawk
This tour may seem to go bad. But I read good reports about Symphony X just about "everywere" . Even when they do not play they are creating loads of good will. And that's damn important too!

Indeed. It definately puts a smile on my face to read about (and experience on one great night!) Symphony X's good will and fantastic performances on this tour.
Originally posted by Hyoukinmono
Why judge Blind Guardian on a single, isolated incident, that is an exception to the rule? Hansi and the boys are well-known for being very down-to-earth and accessible.
A rather hasty judgment, isn't it?

Agreed. I met Hansi when he was walking in to soundcheck in NJ and he stopped and took pictures and stuff even though the guy he was with (roadie? manager?) was telling him to hurry up, he took his time and was really a nice dude. But thats awsome to hear you got to hang out with the SyX guys.
I read a post on the Dream Theater board written by one of the people who actually went out to dinner with Mike Lepond to that Mexican restaurant. He too, said the same great things about the guy and they had a great time with Lepond. He also mentioned that they did see Russel Allen and he was just as cool as the others and talked and signed everything. He too was really bummed about missing the show, but apparantly he just didn't stay out as long as the other members of the band, but he was there.
I hope that when i see Symphony X at the key club that they will be like that. Ever since the first time ive heard them ive always wanted to see them live and i bought a white ltd to hopefully have Michael Romeo and the band sign after the show.
Originally posted by ShredRaid
I hope that when i see Symphony X at the key club that they will be like that. Ever since the first time ive heard them ive always wanted to see them live and i bought a white ltd to hopefully have Michael Romeo and the band sign after the show.

A Ford LTD?:lol:
I think I was damn fair about BG. They proved to ME what kind of guys they are, just as SX did! I dont care if this was one incident, they showed me, and alot of the people there, they really didnt care. When it happens to you, guaranteed youll sing a different tune. It dont matter shit about what people say, when you experience it, youll know. Sure BG had a right to be pissed. But so did SX and since theyre a supporter and get less, they lose out on even more money! Yet they proved what kind of guys they are and tried to please the fans. BG did as well, but did it negatively.

Hey joebobodo, got a link or can you copy and paste what was said? Your right about Russel I think. When I first got there I was at the front with my buddy to get a refund and I could hear and see him a little behind a curtain and he seemed the most vocal and pissed.
I know firsthand how the guys in SymX are. They are so talented and create this incredible music and their priority is their fans. Generally, they are just nice people. Russ is great too. I'm sure he was probably physically sick over all the shit that has been going on, because all he really wants to do is give his all and I'm sure it was a major let down that night. When they become big time, they will not change, although, circumstances unfortunately will probably no longer allow them to mingle with us as they would like to. :cry:

Your words are harsh, but you were disappointed. If you never had a chance to experience a Symx show, it's a shame that you had to miss it. I know they will do everything to make it up to you and you'll have an amazing show.

Now I just have to say this.......as much as you appreciated the way they were that night, I'm sure that they appreciated you too. Being far away from home during a miserable and disappointing experience, you were open and understanding with them. When they get back, they'll remember! The Blind Guardian guys seem to have enjoyed hanging out with their fans too, All I can say is that it's too bad they missed out on getting to know some great people from Texas that night.

I hope that their European tour goes much smoother for them, and if it doesn't, I hope the Europeans are as warm to them as the Texans were! 'Nuff said. Let's just hope for a great rest of the tour for them all. They work damn hard to entertain us.
vertigo, you're also leaving out the crucial fact that BG has been battling the flu ever since they left the NYC area. It's their first time in the States, their first major tour, I'm sure the weather is odd to them, and they didn't feel well. So cut them some slack already.

I had the pleasure of meeting all of them in Atlanta, and they were VERY down-to-earth, approachable, friendly and fun to be around. Sorry they didn't bow down to your personal wishes, but they are, after all, human as well.
Flu my ass. I saw BG in the club and no one was allowed where they were, but I could see that they werent sick. Weather is odd? Theyre from fucking Germany where weather is colder than shit and conditions are worse. But bow to my personal wishes? Youre a fucking moron and greatly missing the point.

Well said Pharoah! Fuck man, do you work for SX? :) In a way I think the experience of being able to hang out with SX for so long and just kick bag was better than seeing them play! I got to connect with them as people and I really do hope they remember alot of us that they met in SA that night. Without a doubt they turned me from a standard fan to an out out dedicated fan!

By the way, did anyone see BG's explanation for the San Antonio show on thier web site? Its changed around a bit now, but Texas was labeled as "cursed." Compare that to what SX's web site said and you get an even clearer view of how SX's character excells that of BG.

from BG official site:
Explanation of San Antonio cancellation
The following is from the band regarding the unfortunate cancellation of the San Antonio, TX concert:

"The promoter in San Antonio was told many times by the US tour manager Roger Smith that the band needs to run their desks, which Blind Guardian is traveling with, with special electricity and ground. They confirmed this by telephone to us. When we arrived nothing was there. We tried the whole day to make the show happen, but in the end we couldn´t get ground for the stage which would risk the life of all people on stage. We needed to cancel the show at 6 p.m. in the evening and we had built up all our equipment at this point. Also two amps did blow out because of this problem. We are sorry about this but this is the second time we needed to cancel a show because the promoters in Texas did not do their job!"

As the tour moves away from (the seemingly cursed state of) Texas hopefully things will progress more smoothly.

Symphony X site:
On a side note, the show in San Antonio was cancelled tonight due to electrical problems that were experienced after Blind Guardian's sound check blew out some equipment or something to that effect. The band graciously hung out with fans for quite a while and apologize to all the San Antonians for the cancelled show. In the words of Arnold .... "we'll be back!"

That speaks volumes in my opinion.
No I don't work for Symphony X.
I've been to thousands of concerts in my time :rolleyes: and even considering in the early 70s when you could hang with "major rock stars" (and I use that phrase loosely) I have never met musicians who care as much, give as much, and try as hard FOR THEIR DEDICATED FANS as the Symx guys. They deserve the best success, because what they have is sincere and for real. Congrats to you, you experienced it firsthand. Many do. Time to let go of the hostility, how 'bout it? :mad: >>> :) Any photos to post??? :D
Vertigo, I'm surprised you haven't thought out a system yet by which to measure the friendliness-value of every word on both the BG and SX websites and put the results on a three-dimensional curve. Let it go already, man...
Originally posted by The King Of Terrors
Vertigo, I'm surprised you haven't thought out a system yet by which to measure the friendliness-value of every word on both the BG and SX websites and put the results on a three-dimensional curve. Let it go already, man...

Agreed. I thought the explination on BGs website was more technical and showed not only WHY the amps blew but also that it was the stupid venues fault as well.
Vertigo you're hung up on hating blind guardian and you're ignorantly going about it too.

The comment about the "cursed" state of texas wasn't from blind guardian. it was from the blind guardian WEBMASTER who even apologized in forum since other people got offended.

and the webmaster is just some guy, not a blind guardian member.

some people said they got to hang out with BG the hour they were there, which contradicts you saying they packed up and left right after.
Hahaha!!! Did you know, people, that, in the first Blind Guardian show here in Brazil, they didn't even god paid for that?!?!?!?!

And, even then, they returned this year, to another great show...

BG guys are very sympathetic, just as SyX's guys...

Unfortunatelly, some JERKS that are on the foreground, make a wrong image of the band...