Fuck Clear Channel

Heard about that last night, fucking FCC is freaked out because of Janet Jackson. "Oh my goat! A booby! Cancel anything slightly offensive, we've gone to far!!!" :Smug:
JayKeeley said:
What were the comments that he made? Something about black women?
Not sure, didn't hear the actual incident. I know it happened during the interview with the guy who made the sex tape with Paris Hilton. Sadly, I got out of the car when the interview started. You can probably find out exactly what happened here:


I can't look at that site at work, it's blocked. That guy transcribes every Stern episode. I'll be checking it out later today for sure.

Fuck the FCC
@bloodfiredeath, here's a summary from that site you gave me. Sounds like just another day at the office for Stern, so I don't see what the big deal is...

After the break Howard played a tape for Robin and asked her if she knew what it was. It was a porn clip but Howard told Robin that it was a clip of Tom watching TV. He played another clip and Robin figured out it was the Paris Hilton sex tape. Robin asked Howard who the creepy guy was in the tape. Howard said that's their next guest. Howard brought him in a short time later.

Howard said they're selling these tapes at the rate of 50,000 a day! Howard introduced Rick Solomon who's in the tape. He said that the tape is only good for 5 viewings. Howard said that Rick and his brother set up the web site (TrustFundGirls.com) so it's not here in the US. It's not really being sold in the US and it's all a legal maneuver. He told Howard how the tape was originally stolen from him. Now he's suing a bunch of people over what was said about that original video that was released.

Howard said that he could never do this to a girl that he slept with. Rick said he took the blame for the first tape and wasn't going to release this tape but he took so much blame already, he decided to let it out. Rick also said that he once showed the tape to Pamela Anderson when she came over to his place one night. Howard had tape of Pam commenting on the tape when she was on the show recently. She thought that Rick may have released it himself but she wasn't sure. She also thought it was kind of creepy but Rick told Howard that she enjoyed it the night he showed the tape.

Rick told Howard that Paris Hilton knew that some of their friends would see the tape so it wasn't that big of a deal for him to show it around. Howard said that he'd never show his penis to anyone so he'd never show a sex tape like that.

Howard and Robin noticed that Rick was kind of fidgeting around so they asked him if he was high or something. Rick said that he's been sober for 11 months now. He claims he was doing coke for a while but he's clean now.

Rick said that he has another celebrity sex tape coming out soon but it doesn't star Paris Hilton. He didn't say who it was. Rick said there are a few tapes of Paris that he has and he's not sure he wants to put those out. He said they will just put out other celebrity tapes through the TrustFundGirls.com web site.

Rick told Howard that he's pretty sure that he had sex with Paris on the first night he met her. He said that's the way he works with most of the women he's dated. Howard also asked Rick about his marriage to Shannon Dougherty. Rick said that they had their marriage annulled after a year or so. He said that she was a special girl and didn't have anything bad to say about her. Howard said that she's said some nasty things about him though.

Robin wondered what Rick did for a living. He said that he used to be a professional gambler and sold art. He said he just had money and bet on sports. He also said that he was a huge drug dealer until he was about 20 years old. Then he took that and put it into sports betting. Gary came in and said that he heard that Rick was a bookie. Rick said that wasn't true though.

Howard asked Rick about the 50,000 downloads a day. Rick told him that it's not 50,000 downloads, it's 50,000 visits a day. He said he's not sure how many copies of the video he's sold. Howard found that hard to believe though.

Howard asked Rick about his gambling and how he made his money. Rick said that he won a $250,000 bet one time. He told Howard and Artie about that bet and Artie said he's never hit something like that before.

Howard read that Rick was with Shanon Elizabeth at one time but he said he didn't date her, she threw a drink on him one time. Howard asked him about some of the other women he's been rumored to be with. He's been with Nicole Lens and another hot model by the name of Devin. Howard asked him which one was the best out of all of them. Rick said that they all had good attributes but Devin would be out because she didn't have much sexually going on. She was very young at the time. Rick said that Nicole was very sexual but Paris wasn't all that sexual. He said she was more into the camera. Rick also said that Shanon was really fun (the delay was being hit a few times by this point). Howard seemed surprised that it was Shanon. Rick told Howard about some other famous chicks he banged as well and that seemed to surprise him even more. Rick said that he doesn't have a rap or anything so it's all about the introductions.

Howard took some phone calls for Rick and let some people ask some questions. One caller asked Rick about going in a hot tub with Pamela Anderson naked one time. Rick said he thought about it but this 300 pound woman hopped in and spoiled the mood. He said there were a couple of people in the tub naked that day. Jeff the Drunk called in but the delay was hit on him. Some other callers asked to smell his fingers and stuff like that. One guy asked Rick if he's been with any black or hispanic women. Rick said that he's had some black women but no one famous.

Gary came in and said that Rick hinted in his pre-interview that he may have banged some other famous chicks. Rick said that he did date Drew Barrymore. He said he was about 20 and she was about 15 at the time. Howard wondered if she was wild in bed. Rick said that she was cool but that was 15 years ago. He didn't have any other famous names to add to that list though.

Howard asked Rick if he's done the Olsen Twins yet. Rick said that he doesn't find them all that attractive and he hasn't tried for them. He said that he'd like to get Christina Aguilera. He said he's been seeing a few girls from his past and there's really just one at this point. He said that she's famous but wouldn't say who she is. He said she's married and doesn't want to give up her name. He said he's pretty sure she's pretty unhappily married. Howard asked him if it's Jessica Simpson. It wasn't her so Howard asked him if it's Kelly Preston. Rick said he wishes that it was her, but it's not.

Howard changed subjects and said that J-Lo is sick in the head. He talked about all of the guys she's been with and that she's now apparently with singer Marc Anthony. She just broke up with Ben Affleck so he wondered why she can't wait five minutes before dating someone else.

Howard's buddy Ralph called in and said he thinks Paris has to be in on this whole sex tape thing. He said it came out right before her TV show started. Howard thinks Ralph is wrong about that though. The guys tried to get more out of Rick about the chick he's dating but he wasn't giving out any info about her. He said he hasn't taped her yet. Ralph said that this guy is a low life but he wants to see the tape. He was saying that he was sleezy for putting out the tape but Rick said that he didn't put out the first tape. Rick admitted that he might be sleezy but he was being blamed for stuff before he put out the second tape. He also talked about how he got cut out of his father's will because no one likes him.

Stuttering John came in and said that they heard that there's a Neve Campbell video out there and that's the one that Rick is going to bring out next. Rick said that's not true but he has heard that a tape exists. He said he'd like to see something like that.

Howard said he feels bad for Paris Hilton's parents. He said they're nice people. Gary came in a minute later with a list of women that they were wondering if Rick ever got. He mentioned a list of women and Rick said no to all of them. The names included:
  • Kate Hudson
  • Gwyenth Paltrow
  • Tara Reid
  • Halle Berry
  • Julia Roberts
  • Mariah Carey
  • Carmen Electra
  • Courtney Cox
  • Courtney Love
Howard spent a little more time talking to Rick before he wrapped up the interview.
Stern has always done crap like this. Who cares?

I love his syndicated show on E! People getting farted on for a boob job. Porn stars doing teabags for a simple ad for their website, hahaha. Great American TV.
I don't feel like reading all the tiny writing...but it seems daft when the news article keeps alluding to a nasty comment but won't actually tell us what it is. Kinda makes the whole thing seem...urrr...out of proportion? There must be a word for it...