Fuck Gillian McKeith

Oh 'Dr' Gillain Mckeith?
Or to give her full title. Gillian Mckeith
what a lying cunt,
Just went into the wikipedia article.
Seeing that she recommends detox diets is enough for me.
Anyone that recommends that shit is a fucking retard, and anyone who is gullible enough to actually follow those type of diets are even more retarded.
Those type of diets cause more harm than good. Just another stupid fad thing people fall into because they aren't willing to put in the time and effort to get proper results.
Yeh basically, she is into homeopathy and shit.
She is blatantly living an extremely unhealthy life, as already mentioned she gained doctorate from the internet, or somewhere equally disreputable
But the reason i brought it up, is that she has been on "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" ( I know I know, shitty tv)
and she is completely neurotic

It's hard to believe how someone could make them self seem so revolting in such a ridiculous tv show

In her own tv show, she basically used to rife through peoples stinky shit and tell them that

it stinks ∴ they have a bad diet
lets put things into perspective.
Gillian McKeith is the same age as Nigella Lawson.
I know which one I think looks healthier!!!


let me think!
completly off topic: I had no idea nigella was 50!!!!man she fit as..

Gillian is a clown, she hates eveything to do with bugs and insects yet she goes on a show where they reguraly dump bugs and insects on you..hahah