Fuck Nelson MAndella!!!!


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002

Once again, This turd world leader is demanding that people who have take care of the have nots. I say, If people who have no way of feeding and housing themselves were sterilized, or showed some sort of breeding control they wouldn't have to BE fed by the rich. You may ask why do I defend the rich.
Well to be honest, I'm not. I am defending EQUAL rights. Why should Rich people pay more?? That is not fair. That is punishment for success. I have an Idea, People on welfare shouldn't vote! See how that gets percieved in the press. Or maybe, People on welfare should not have kids, or have to clean the streets , or perhaps help the community with safety issues for their children. No, That would be against their civil rights. Exactly why taxing the rich is the same thing, A violation of civil rights.
It's the year of GET WHITEY and the Democrats are leading the charge with the army of malcontents, Social misfits and welfare breeding bloodsuckers raging behind them with their chants of, Bush is bad, GAy is good and TAx the rich. It's time to say it! Fuck the poor!!!!!
Mandela was considered a terrorist when he went to jail, I doubt the same thing would have happened to a white who had issues with the goverment back in the day. They knew he´d become a martyr if he was executed.

Fuck the pope and the cahtolic church and the bishops in South Africa for whining everytime somone wants to inform people about condoms and safer sex. There is enough superstition and tales about how fucking virgins will cure you from HIV, condoms are full of smallpox, and the usual macho-shit as it is, the church should for once be honest about what´s happening but the drooling polack and his minions rant about how people should stop having sex. Well, the condom, abortion and safer sex-alternative seems a bit more realistic if you ask me... but then again... I´ve never got head from a choirboy.
Billy. For the most part I agree with ya. If your on welfare shiting out a kid everynine months ..... CLEAN THE STREETS or WORK as a CROSSING GUARD to protect your offspring.
But some big bussiness have it way to easy. Especially cause of pay off's and political muscle. But Bush, I'm telling you, he's gonna fuck us and its going to hurt.

Politicians are all the same Dems, Republicans, whatever. There all a bunch of lying fuck holes with a different name or title.
Yeah, he is...in case nobody's ever heard the saying before "the first term is for the next election, the second term is for the history books." TAKE A FUCKING GUESS EVERYBODY: MORAL VALUES AND SECURITY ARE NOT WHAT BUSH CARES ABOUT! MIDDLE EAST AND SOCIAL SECURITY ARE, BECAUSE THAT MAKES HISTORY! WE ARE ALL GOING DOWN THE SHITTER!
Yeah, he is...in case nobody's ever heard the saying before "the first term is for the next election, the second term is for the history books." TAKE A FUCKING GUESS EVERYBODY: MORAL VALUES AND SECURITY ARE NOT WHAT BUSH CARES ABOUT! MIDDLE EAST AND SOCIAL SECURITY ARE, BECAUSE THAT MAKES HISTORY! WE ARE ALL GOING DOWN THE SHITTER!

People who make a career oout of politics don't care about the little guy or doing the right thing, those ideals(if they ever had them at all) went by the wayside long ago. Politicians care about getting into the next higher office, power, and getting their palms greased by big corps and lobbys. They talk a good game when re-election time comes around, but once they are back in then it is forgotten. And the worst part is that a majority of "We the people" know that the majority of politicians are crooks, cheats, and liers but we either do nothing, happy to live in the status quo or fall for the same lines year in and year out.
Buzzard said:

Once again, This turd world leader is demanding that people who have take care of the have nots. I say, If people who have no way of feeding and housing themselves were sterilized, or showed some sort of breeding control they wouldn't have to BE fed by the rich. You may ask why do I defend the rich.
Well to be honest, I'm not. I am defending EQUAL rights. Why should Rich people pay more?? That is not fair. That is punishment for success. I have an Idea, People on welfare shouldn't vote! See how that gets percieved in the press. Or maybe, People on welfare should not have kids, or have to clean the streets , or perhaps help the community with safety issues for their children. No, That would be against their civil rights. Exactly why taxing the rich is the same thing, A violation of civil rights.
It's the year of GET WHITEY and the Democrats are leading the charge with the army of malcontents, Social misfits and welfare breeding bloodsuckers raging behind them with their chants of, Bush is bad, GAy is good and TAx the rich. It's time to say it! Fuck the poor!!!!!
Holy shit you are a raging fucking moron.