Judas Priest greed tour 2011 - KK Quits!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
so Rob leaves they wait 10 years before finally putting something out

Ken leaves and they're not only saying they will tour without him but he's already been replaced!?

wow ... just, wow

I'm glad I got to see them 7 times before this!!

I guess I'm taking it a little personally. Priest is the whole reason I got into music in the first place. I drove anyone within a 10 mile radius of me completely crazy by playing the "Screaming for Vengeance" album on infinite loop for most of the 80s.

They are a mist in the wind compared to the behemoth they once were.
I bought Ram It Down when it was released. think I was about 16, and I hammered it. That solo still blows my mind every time I hear it.
...and that's probably why he quit. In all honesty they haven't done a 'great' album since Painkiller. Angel was alright, but not earth-shattering by any means.

I saw Angel kinda like Testament's "Formation" album ...

a safe return ... both were cool and done well enough but yeah, neither was a Painkiller or Gathering

I just don't see how he could let Nostradamus be the last word for him. Personally I would consider it a point of honor to make sure I helped create one more BADASS Priest album ... then leave
A sad day indeed for Priest fans. Can't really bitch too much, they have done an amazing job over the years. The first thing I thought was maybe there is a health issue KK has that we don't know about yet. Kinda strange he would call it quits right before the end.

Unleashed in the East

I guess my opinion on this will depend on whether KK was in support of them continuing without him. While I think it will not be Judas Priest without him, I'd understand their choice if he comes out and announces he told them to continue on despite his "retirement".

I look at it a bit like I looked at Maiden without at first Adrian - "No Prayer for the Dying" was still a Maiden album (not a particularly good Maiden album, but still a Maiden album, then "Fear of the Dark", once again, still a Maiden album with the same lackluster results, but once both Bruce and Adrian were gone, the next two discs were simply NOT Maiden albums (if I click my heals and repeat three times "please come back Adrian and Bruce", I can pretend the "Blaze" era never happened). If this is just a final goodbye tour that KK had no interest in doing, if he gave his blessing on them continuing, I can probably accept it. But to be honest, I'd be a bit pissed if I had planned on seeing them on this tour as KK would be part of the package I'd drop cash to see.
Kerry King? I kid. Never liked Priest, or Iron Maiden either - though don't ask me why I am throwing that in here, so good, fuck 'em.