Fuck Sean PEnn


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Venezuela's Chavez praises Sean Penn for critical stance on Bush

The Associated Press
Published: August 1, 2007

CARACAS, Venezuela: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez met privately with American actor Sean Penn on Thursday after praising his staunch opposition to the war in Iraq.

Penn sat at the front of an auditorium packed with Chavez's red-clad supporters to hear the president speak shortly after meeting him at the presidential palace. Penn, who has kept a low profile since arriving in Caracas earlier this week, did not speak but smiled and waved to the crowd as Chavez introduced him.

"Welcome to all visitors from other regions of the world who are with us," Chavez said. "Make yourself at home."

Chavez said Penn has a fondness for Venezuela's world-renowned chocolate, saying, "Hollywood actors like chocolate." He then launched into a workshop-style talk with leaders of neighborhood "communal councils."

Chavez said Wednesday that Penn traveled to Venezuela this week wanting to learn about the situation in the country and walked around some of Caracas' poor barrios on his own.

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He read aloud from a recent open letter in which Penn condemned the Iraq war and called for U.S. President George W. Bush to be impeached, saying that he, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are "villainously and criminally obscene people."

Chavez — who shares those views — called Penn "well-informed about what is happening in the United States and the world, in spite of being in Hollywood."

The Venezuelan president also professed to being a fan of Penn's films, saying said he recently watched his Oscar-winning performance in "Mystic River."
This is ridiculous. Penn, Baldwin, Glover, Streisand, Moore. All of them can get the fuck out if they don't like it here. Even the most liberal Democrats are smart enough to stay away from Hugo. He's a friggin' tyrant.
This is juvenile right-wing bullshit. While Chavez is quickly becoming a dictator, it is silly to make this an issue about liberal celebrities considering the fact that every time you or any other right-wing American stops at a Citgo for gas, they are lining the pockets of Chavez and helping him gain further control over Venezuela. That is probably worse than a blow-hard celebrity getting praise from some douche bag dictator.
Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?

Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food.
I think Danny Glover is having movies made and financed by Chavez. Pretty lame to just make a pathetic political statement. The only Sean Penn movie I ever liked, was Bad Boys. The cokes in a pillow case..classic.
I think Danny Glover is having movies made and financed by Chavez. Pretty lame to just make a pathetic political statement. The only Sean Penn movie I ever liked, was Bad Boys. The cokes in a pillow case..classic.

oh yeah the good "Bad Boys" movie......:headbang:
This is juvenile right-wing bullshit. While Chavez is quickly becoming a dictator, it is silly to make this an issue about liberal celebrities considering the fact that every time you or any other right-wing American stops at a Citgo for gas, they are lining the pockets of Chavez and helping him gain further control over Venezuela. That is probably worse than a blow-hard celebrity getting praise from some douche bag dictator.

Exactly why nobody I know buys gas from Citgo...if they did, they would be subject to loads of ridicule.

As for Penn...he's almost always been a tool.
This is juvenile right-wing bullshit. While Chavez is quickly becoming a dictator, it is silly to make this an issue about liberal celebrities considering the fact that every time you or any other right-wing American stops at a Citgo for gas, they are lining the pockets of Chavez and helping him gain further control over Venezuela. That is probably worse than a blow-hard celebrity getting praise from some douche bag dictator.

I don't buy gas at Citgo. Is it ok to think Sean Penn is an asshole now?
Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are "villainously and criminally obscene people."

I'm not sure I can disagree with that statement, but give me a break...yet another Hollywood embassador...Fuck him....If I buy gas at Citgo, will Sean Penn stay in Venezuela?...might be worth it.
Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are "villainously and criminally obscene people."

I'm not sure I can disagree with that statement, but give me a break...yet another Hollywood embassador...Fuck him....If I buy gas at Citgo, will Sean Penn stay in Venezuela?...might be worth it.

Shit, I'll buy Citgo if its one cent cheaper than Global or Thornton's.

I don't give a fuck if my money supports brutal dictators! I buy shit at Wal-Mart and Xpect Discount.

Everything they sell is marked "Made in China" (Peoples' Republic of China), "Made in Vietnam" (Viet-Name Peoples' Republic), "Made in Laos" (Lao Peoples' Republic), or "Made in Myanmar" (Burma concentration camp).

Every time I buy one of their cheap shirts, some grimy bureaucrat in the one-party state owned enterprise that chugs out cheap imitation shit gets his twenty percent.

Global consumerism means giving hard currency to slave-owning dictators.

I've gotten used to it. Why can't the rest've y'all??!

Shit, I'll buy Citgo if its one cent cheaper than Global or Thornton's.

I don't give a fuck if my money supports brutal dictators! I buy shit at Wal-Mart and Xpect Discount.

Everything they sell is marked "Made in China" (Peoples' Republic of China), "Made in Vietnam" (Viet-Name Peoples' Republic), "Made in Laos" (Lao Peoples' Republic), or "Made in Myanmar" (Burma concentration camp).

Every time I buy one of their cheap shirts, some grimy bureaucrat in the one-party state owned enterprise that chugs out cheap imitation shit gets his twenty percent.

Global consumerism means giving hard currency to slave-owning dictators.

I've gotten used to it. Why can't the rest've y'all??!


Man...you nailed some excellent points. If we don't manufacture nationally, then who's to know where our money is actually going and what it may be supporting. Getting it done faster and cheaper means giving it away...we can't be competitive in a global market...which I don't really understand when I look around my plant and see that 90% of the workers are Hispanic and barely speak English. It's not as if we're paying some super skilled, super motivated American workforce.
:lol: :kickass:

btw, ZZZ, i dont get gas at Citgo, either. you'll have to find another way to show support for Communist dictators.
sorry about that.

So because YOU don't go to Citgo I have to find a new way to support a communist dictator? Your insults aren't even logical.........
Shit, I'll buy Citgo if its one cent cheaper than Global or Thornton's.

I don't give a fuck if my money supports brutal dictators! I buy shit at Wal-Mart and Xpect Discount.

Everything they sell is marked "Made in China" (Peoples' Republic of China), "Made in Vietnam" (Viet-Name Peoples' Republic), "Made in Laos" (Lao Peoples' Republic), or "Made in Myanmar" (Burma concentration camp).

Every time I buy one of their cheap shirts, some grimy bureaucrat in the one-party state owned enterprise that chugs out cheap imitation shit gets his twenty percent.

Global consumerism means giving hard currency to slave-owning dictators.

I've gotten used to it. Why can't the rest've y'all??!


:headbang: :headbang: Truer words have never been spoken.

Also, 95% of people who say they have never gone to a Citgo are full of shit.
If you analyzed the source of everything you purchased, you'd be living naked in a cave.

And that's the whole problem with activist consumerism!

Citgo Corp. is owned by the Venezuelan government, but their purchase agents might get a good deal on Saudi oil one day, and Nigerian oil the next.

Meanwhile, across the commodities exchange, there are good ol' Texaco buyers scooping up every barrel of Venezuelan oil on promise of cheap delivery.

So, no matter what happens, the tyrants get their percentages.

So fuck Maxine Waters, that stupid cunt-ho from Chicago!

We're off to the Beijing Olympics and hopefully score a shit-load of gold medals.


And to hell with the Sudan!

Let's see if their olympic team composed of janjaweed executioners can throw a javelin as well as they can drive a spear into their enemies' backs!
