Fuck the flu

I got a 39C fever at the moment but last night it was most likely around 68 or something, I had the same nightmares over and over again and was sweating like hellz. It was gross and horrible. This coughing medicine really did the trick though =D
it's been warm here, 40-60 degree's, sunny, breezy with slight gusts.
PanzerKunt said:
Assuming that's Fahreheit, try -20-25 plus wind running around in 2 feet snow 3 days in a row.

Yeah, the weather is completely fucked up around the world. out of fuck control.
Turbo said:
I rarely get ill. Just hangovers and the occasional cold :)

Hah wuss, I never get hangovers ^_^
I just took another dose of that cough medicine shit, holy fucking mother of jehova it tastes bad. The 5ml dose was semi ok, this one was 10 though and Im sure if the flu doesnt kill me this taste will. Before I go to bed I gotta take a 15ml dose, I'm afraid :(