Fuck the flu

PanzerKunt said:
Hah wuss, I never get hangovers ^_^
I just took another dose of that cough medicine shit, holy fucking mother of jehova it tastes bad. The 5ml dose was semi ok, this one was 10 though and Im sure if the flu doesnt kill me this taste will. Before I go to bed I gotta take a 15ml dose, I'm afraid :(
You can't take a medicine taste and you called him a wuss? :p
No one kills my girlfriend and gets away unscathed.

Btw, panzer, there's a painkiller here that tastes worse than everything else, and I never complained:p
BloodyScalpel said:
No one kills my girlfriend and gets away unscathed.

Btw, panzer, there's a painkiller here that tastes worse than everything else, and I never complained:p

do you chew the pills?
pills with fishoil in em is fucking hell.. they dont taste anything but if i start burping it's just .."ugh"