fuck the police...

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006

so not only was this fucking cop running around before noon with a .19 BAC, but he then proceeded to nail 3 motorcyclists with his car while running a red light with his sirens and lights going, killing one and critically injuring another

to make things better, they bullshitted the report at the scene to make it look like he hadn't done anything wrong, and then rather than putting him on unpaid leave, they just stuck him behind a fucking desk

on top of that, the local news was showing last night that all his little pig buddies were hanging out at his place to "console" him, clogging up his entire cul-de-sac with cop cars

if a regular citizen did this shit, they'd be thrown directly into jail, charged with multiple counts, and would likely be admonished by everyone they know...but apparently a little gold badge stuck on your chest changes all of that


edit: and to make things even better, they were also saying in the news that this same cop has had 5 wrecks since 2003 while on the job, 4 of which were while in pursuit of a suspect, always hitting a stationary object like a fence or something. the 5th was someone backing into his car after he pulled them over, which you can't really call his fault. his neighbors said he's also recently run over their mailbox TWICE while pulling out of his own driveway!
just read up some more on it...i guess they didn't blood test him until 2 1/2 hrs after the accident, giving him plenty time to sober up, and he still came in at a .19

and today they pressed 7 felony charges against him, put him on unpaid leave, and arrested him...and then let him bail out 2 hours later on $10,000 bond
You have to be a real jerk to kill a biker.

Shame abuse of authority is only punished when media starts to spread, so the public opinion reacts. The only impression the police forces give is that they will try to blatantly cover the facts unless someone complains.
The cops are an organization, like any other, and they will look out for their own. Over here they will be the first to cover up their own bullshit, and try to pass it off on the innocents that happened to be around at the time. It's all spin... everything, from everyone. There are no legitimate 'we are here for the betterment of society' profit institutions... everyone is out for themselves in some way shape or form. To them it's just a paycheck.

I've been in a few situations involving the Police. I've yet to be in a single one where their intervention helped whatsoever.
Yep, of course they will try to protect their organization but there's a point when denying the facts and what really happened is plain ridiculous, irresponsible and only reflects that they would do whatever they want until someone complains.

I mean, drunk, illegal lights and siren, injuring two bikers and killing another. Seems it's not the first time he does something like this but we had to wait till it was too hard to deny the facts and silence the public opinion.

I rely on police when I have to but I also had many bad experiences with abuse of power/authority. Glad I finally won all of the cases :) altough some of them took me years of fighting.
I have grown to really dislike the Police in general lately. This is but one story out of many that I've heard lately that absolutely disgusts me. That cop should be imprisoned for life, and made an example to other cops. His pension and life savings, along with all of his assets (houses, cars, etc.) should be auctioned and the proceeds should go to the victims families.

EDIT - OK... I will say that there are good police officers out there. But from my experience, the majority of them - especially the new, younger cops - act like the world belongs to them, and don't think of any of the consequences of their actions.
in my experience, it tends to be the opposite...i think a lot of the new/younger cops tend to be people who go into the job for the "right" reasons - which is to serve and protect the public, then after time get sucked into all the racist, FOP, sort of egotistical bullshit where they think they're better than the rest of the general population. it's like any other organization, really - the longer you're a part of it, the more you're indoctrinated with their ideals and mantras.
in my experience, it tends to be the opposite...i think a lot of the new/younger cops tend to be people who go into the job for the "right" reasons - which is to serve and protect the public, then after time get sucked into all the racist, FOP, sort of egotistical bullshit where they think they're better than the rest of the general population. it's like any other organization, really - the longer you're a part of it, the more you're indoctrinated with their ideals and mantras.

I think there's a threshold - I've dealt with a couple of cops that looked like they should be retired and they actually seemed like good, decent people, which is MUCH more than I can say for almost every single cop I have met or interacted with.