Fuck yes!

cynic is like modern art. if you dont like it, its because you dont get it

although i hate modern art... cynic still rules
I still haven't checked out Cynic outside of one song from Focus that I didn't much like. I keep hearing the demos are good from reputable sources so maybe I will have to track them down.

You should definitely check out the demos. I really like the one from 1990. If they made a whole album of that shit I might like it as much as Atheist - Unquestionable Presence. Focus is not really worth hearing in my opinion.
I haven't heard those demos yet (and they really should see an actual release, considering how well the Focus and Atheist re-releases have done), but Focus does not "suck". It's probably a 6.5-7/10 release. There are a few really good songs there, but some production issues and some filler.

Masdival/Reinert did way better on Human, which is a 8.5-9/10 in my books.
I liked Focus but Im sure 1 of 3 things will happen. A)It will be fuckin awesome (I Hope) B) It will be mediocre but with the expectations so high it will be regarded as shit (more probable) C)It will be mediocre but people will love it anyway (most probable)