
dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Goddamn eye allergies! My eyes are all itchy and stinging and pussing and watering ... and now they're getting all cloudy so that I could bearly see (and yet I don't move away from the computer like an intelligent person would...) ... and I finally got eye drops ($85 for about 5ml!) ... and they're worse than before.

Unfortunatly, I don't have pictures to show, but ... discuss anyway :D
my eyes have been all itchy lately too!! man one day last week i rubbed my eye so much it looked like i'd been punched. they still itch though not as bad. must be sumpin in the damn maryland air
*hides from the penis-attack*
... but that might imply I'd have to change the name of this thread, and I quite like my exclaimatory profanities ...
*unhides from the penis-attack* What the hell...