Well Jen, I moved so many times in my life, I can definitely relate...
What exactly are they doing though ? just bitching... ?
Regardless to the world, please don't adopt the "bitch" 'tude thinking this will solve discomfort... I know you were probably just kidding, but in general, I don't believe in life inside a spikey box and the hedgehog attidute... Call me crazy. Never change for anybody... people will always suck, and at the same time people will always be great. Such is life.
You will never be able to please everybody, and almost never you'll get 100% positive feedback.
Be happy with your decision, feel content about it (as I'm sure you are) and enjoy every moment you have left in your old place until you'll move to a place you're so excited about.
Your friends will understand.. and those who don't.... well, then I guess they never did...