Just need to vent.

Dead_Lioness said:
Well Jen, I moved so many times in my life, I can definitely relate...
What exactly are they doing though ? just bitching... ?

Regardless to the world, please don't adopt the "bitch" 'tude thinking this will solve discomfort... I know you were probably just kidding, but in general, I don't believe in life inside a spikey box and the hedgehog attidute... Call me crazy. Never change for anybody... people will always suck, and at the same time people will always be great. Such is life.
You will never be able to please everybody, and almost never you'll get 100% positive feedback.
Be happy with your decision, feel content about it (as I'm sure you are) and enjoy every moment you have left in your old place until you'll move to a place you're so excited about.
Your friends will understand.. and those who don't.... well, then I guess they never did...
Yes I was definately kidding about turning into a bitch, I can be if it's indeed called for, but to represent the definition of the word is not in my nature. I like doing nice things for people and I like helping people. That will never change. I love being happy, I try to seek after it every day that I'm not naturally already that way. I mean everyone has their bad days, and that's good and healthy. You can't appreciate happiness without sadness.etc. Besides sometimes "killing people with kindness" works the best anyhow. hehe

They're just being petty. talking shit about each other to me, talking about me to each other, trying to tell me how to live, etc.. It's just there's enough of it to make me highly annoyed.

So what I decided to do is just make myself happy and ignore all the bullshit and it's working. The same friend who was talking tall shit about me Monday has been kissing my ass for the past few days because I called her on it and we moved on. hehe..
Stormrider1981 said:
Like I said, I don't mind bad language, but somehow linking the word "cunt" with Jen seems a bit disrespecftul to me.
Why thank you hun!! I do appreciate you having my back Big hug to ya:) I myself hate that word also, but I didn't take offense to it because it was used as a word for a body part and not for me. hehe

Now if he would have called me one, them's would've fightin' words!! hehe