I have to vent

Yeah man, group fucking hugs. Don't know you whatsoever, but i understand how hard break ups can be, so thoughts are with you...in a star trek, lightspeed scene, kinda way.
to get an idea of my background and what she means to me... in December of 2003, I had a nervous breakdown and had to get psychiatric care. Almost killed myself. She was there for me 100%, and without her, I would have followed through with it. She's always been there for me, and we have done so many awesome things together, that there are memories EVERYWHERE I go. i know it means nothing to anybody here, as it's the usual "girlfriend and I broke up, so sad, memories hurt". but it's so real to me, man. we've been talking for the past few months about getting an apartment together next year. and yesterday, we were talking about the Nevermore show and how she wants to impress Warrel and learn all the lyrics for the show on Halloween... and we were talking about the haunted trail we were going to on Saturday...... man. this sucks :( tonight, i'm going over her house to talk to her. I hope we cna get back together soon.
Hope you can sort it out too. And although all the "feel better" stuff can feel superficial, the folks here do seem to actually care, so take heart.

i feel hopeless saying anything though :-(
it really does mean alot, man. it might seem gay and retarded, but i've always looked up to this board. the people here have always been so nice to me. i feel that i can post anything here and talk to anyone about anything. it's why i posted the thing here. <3 everyone here :(
Will Bozarth said:
it really does mean alot, man. it might seem gay and retarded, but i've always looked up to this board. the people here have always been so nice to me. i feel that i can post anything here and talk to anyone about anything. it's why i posted the thing here. <3 everyone here :(
im touched.

Stop touching me. It makes me feel dirty.
Man, I totally don't think of this as 'just' another relationship break-up. You were the first guy I met here on the neverboards man, I feel bad, and I wish there were a way I could help... it sucks having friendships online for reasons such as this. Just keep trying to get her back... You got it in ya.

And as you guys have been saying, this place is great. People who call us heartless shall regret it one day. People don't seem to understand that just because there are some fucking idiots out there that may SAY they're metal and shit, they're just gay idiots who make us look bad. Its no different than any other minority or majority in this world. Hell, look at the christians. Not all of them are bad, its just the fucking biblethumpers that make them so fucking gay.

Wolftribe: Good way to liven up a thread :P