i need to vent my travel problems


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
So i arrived in poiana brasov in the mountains in romanaia where i'm gonna chill, get hookers and play guitar for the next 2 days before i head to constanta (my home town) and then to Seattle.
First of all
Retards should be banned from the roads, the police should make everyone take and IQ test before getting their licenses. People with less than 90 IQ, should not be allowed to drive on public roads. Also people who failed middleschool need to stay off the road. That is because today as my dad was driving on a road with one lane for each way with 70mph(120kmh) some fucktard with a bmw X5 tried to pass us while climbing a hill. So the danger is that if you do that is like playing russian roulette not only with your life but with everyone's life on the road, because you can't see if a car is coming from the opposite way. My dad slowed down and the fucktard passed us in time not to slam a car coming from the other lane. i wish i filmed that with my cellphone and showed it to a cop to have that guy's driver's license taken away, cause for sure he is a public fucking enemy.

second of all arrogant russians should have their testicles removed. So at breakfast in the hotel where i spent a night in sighisoara (one of my stops) i saw one guy who was obviously russian or ukranian with a shirt with a picture of stalin saying: stalin loves romanians. so in my mind i wanted to show the guy a history lesson the hard way by cock slapping his face, because my familly personally suffered when stalin's read army was in the country, as my grandfather's brother was killed by the fucking russians, and the russians are the one of the reasons for the instalment of communnism and making romania a shitty country.

except from these two things my trip is totally kick ass.

sorry, i had to vent this