My migraines are more than just headaches... I get spots of light in my eyes so badly that I can't see anything except the very peripheral of my vision, my ears ring, I get overheated and covered in sweat, and I lose balance. The best way for me to get rid of them is to just fall asleep.

And I ate a little bit of chicken soup earlier, but even that made my stomach hate me.

God I know what you mean with migraines. I seethe when someone with a bad headache goes "Oh I have SUCH a migraine" it's like NO YOU DON'T, do you have vertigo? Are you puking and seeing lights flashing behind your eyelids? NO! haha, it sucks, all of a sudden I see all this weird shit, like heat on pavement, and then bam MIGRAINE TIME! It sucks, feel better. I have pretty good meds for them though I must say
I forgot to post about this in this thread the day it happened, but I will now. I will start off by saying I am normally very calm... I don't tend to become outwardly full of "rage" or anything of the sort. But I think I actually felt "rage" for the first time... and I wanted to shoot this fucking tool in the face. Anyway. I had been at Circuit City with my best friend Tara. We were looking at cameras, I am looking into buying either the Nikon D40, or the Nikon D40x, so I was just checking out the cameras, we were laughing and talking, good mood, good vibes.

We trotted out of Circuit City, and saw a Cosco (I hope that's the right spelling). And Tara was like, "Oh Jen, they have these really good frozen yogurt things for a dollar fifty or something, with these warm berries on top, it's so good, so good, let's go get it!" So we got back in the car, and drove to Cosco. I know that sounds slightly white trashy, bargain hunting on frozen yogurt, but hey, whatever. So the parking lot of Cosco was JAM PACKED. And we both had t get to work. Tara said she'd just run in and get it, so I just noodled around the parking lot. Up and down and around the aisles and what not.

I spotted this tool leaning against his dark blue Porsce, he was probably around 6 feet tall, big, muscular, you can tell he obsessively works out in front of a mirror and probably jerks off to pictures of himself, he had a shaved head, very, very tan, lots of gold chains, probably in his 30's it looked. Wrap around sunglasses, you know, he had this really angry look on his face, like he was all pumped up on testosterone or steroids or something, I kind of chuckled to myself and drove along, he sort of threw his chin up at me like "Hey baby...". I chuckled again, and kept driving, windows down, music on.

Then I looped around, since he was the first aisle, I went back down it again, but of course, there was a line of cars, and I couldn't get around it, and he was in his car, ready to pull out of his space, perpendicular to mine. So he starts backing up, with no where to go, and for fear of my brand new cinnamon red PT cruiser that I am in love with, I beeped my horn a bit, and just did a friendly wave.

But no, that clearly meant something else. He like jumped out of his car, and was like "GET OFF YOUR PHONE YOU LITTLE CUNT BITCH!" And then I guess is when I felt.... rage? I'd been on my phone, sure, but that had absolutely nothing to do with why I beeped, I was paying attention, I just had no where to go, and he had turned his car on, AND started pulling out AFTER I was stuck behind him. So I threw my phone down, and was like "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" And by some grace of God, the line dissipated and I was able to pull up, because he then came running toward my car screaming "COME BACK AROUND AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE CUNT PUSSY BITCH! COME BACK OVER HERE AND I'LL MAKE YOUR FACE EVEN UGLIER THAN IT IS YOU LITTLE DYKE BITCH, I'LL SMASH YOUR FACE INTO YOUR HOOD!"

And sure, the right thing to do... would be to drive on, and ignore him. He's a loser for basically picking on and hassling a woman. I shouldn't have called him an asshole, but I really lost it.

And of course... I came back around. And he was ACTUALLY WAITING FOR ME. So I slowed down, and asked him what kind of douche bag he was. And he just continued on his rant calling me an "Ugly little cunt bitch" and other things that I actually found very insulting. I became very angry. He said he was going to take down my plate number and come and pound my face in.

I couldn't even believe this. Here's a huge muscular man... threatening a 5'3" 126 pound WOMAN to "pound" my "ugly little face in". I started laughing, and he threw his sunglasses off, and like jumped to the window on the front passenger side, and leaned in and was like "DON'T FUCKING LAUGH AT ME YOU LITTLE PUSSY!"

I couldn't even believe this. I was in total disbelief. So I rolled my window up halfway and told him he must have some real fucking problems. Then he proceeded to tell me, that he hopes I get into an accident on the parkway and that my little red car gets smashed up just like he's going to smash up my face. So, like a bitch I decided I should find security guy. So I sped away, sort of... displacing him, since he was leaning in my car, and found a security dude. He came over and tried to talk it out with us.

The guy ended up being escorted out of the parking lot.

What the FUCK? Sure I shouldn't have "stooped to his level" and called him names, but he kept insulting me, and it was hot outside, and he was, just a TOOL! God, I HATE those types!

ok, I got the rest of my anger out about that incident :)
you should have kept laughing at him

shit, i'd take a broken jaw in exchange for a shitload of cash from a lawsuit i'd clearly win
I was uber busy at work today and didn't realize Blind Guardian's Dream A Little Dream Of Me cover was on loop (forgot to put the hold on and the mp3 player in my pocket got some buttons pressed while I was 'on my knees') till I listened to it about 20 times. Yeah... its etched in my brain and is all that I hear. Hopefully this cures it self, since I sound really gay singing it constantly.
Yeah, that blows...

Part of the reason I was so busy today was because the other supervisor quit the other day, and the backed-up load is now just striking me. So now until they find someone to replace him I gotta go in extra early, and can only take the allotted 30 minute lunch instead of my lazy 45 - 75 minute lunches.

Balls I say.

Venting is fun!
you should have kept laughing at him

shit, i'd take a broken jaw in exchange for a shitload of cash from a lawsuit i'd clearly win

Free money always owns. Though with healthcare service, you'd probably make $10 from said lawsuit after paying for your jaw.
I'm pretty emotionally strong, but I can't deal with this. My boyfriend and I just broke up, we've been together for almost 3 years, and I couldn't even give you a good reason why we broke up. I'm sure he could, but I can't. This is just ridiculous, I can't believe it :cry: To all of a sudden have to change everything is just so hard. I never thought this would happen, things were fine. Sorry to whine, I just had to vent, yes I suppose that's what this thread is :cry: