O/T My job (a rambling vent)


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Anyone else hate their job? The location of my job is great (25 minutes to get here) and they pay for benefits which is ok too, I guess. I can listen to my music with no complaints.

My work comes in spurts though so I'm usually bored and the pay SUCKS. When I came here they said that you get evaluated on your anniversary and then discuss raises. So far I have had one raise and have been here for 3 years. (Last year after I had my daughter, my company was splitting up and my boss was going to leave and go with the other company. However, that job didn't want me and the company I was working for (this fucking job) didn't want me either. So essentially I was coming back to work to be unemployed. At the last minute my boss changed his mind but I had already found a new job in NYC. So they gave me the raise ($30.00 a week) to keep me and I stayed (the other job would have added at least 2 hours of commuting to my day plus pay my own benefits)).

The benefits get paid for but they are only medical benefits (no dental, eye or prescription). I would rather contribute to the benefits and have better benefits than the basics. When I worked in Georgia, I made pretty good money, especially for that area. So at the least I should be able to come up to Jersey and make what I was making in Georgia but no, I make less. In Georgia I got raises every six months, sweet bonuses, felt appreciated and also had my benefits paid for (with dental no less). There is an attorney in here who smokes and even though me and a few other people (including my boss, who is a partner mind you) have complained, nothing has been done about it. So in the summer we sweat because the window is open to let out the smoke and in the winter we freeze, again because of the window. If they ignore the complaints of a senior partner, it sure doesn't seem like they give a rat's ass about their employees.

Since hubby doesn't work and is in school right now, I can't leave here until the fall of next year, after he graduates. In the meantime, I'm so damn bored I could :cry:. I can't wait until he finishes and then I can get the hell out of here but 12 months at this job feels like 12 years. :yell:

Rambling vent over.
Im starting a lifegurading job at the end of the month. I have to take a physical (swimming 400 yards, CPR, the whole deal) in order to work there. I really hate working, even if the job doesnt require a lot of physical labor (that is until someone drowns and I have to go in and save their ass). I worked 7 days a week over the summer lifeguarding at a private camp for spoiled rich kids.
lespaulbass666 said:
yup, i hate my job too. i fix cars for a living, it pays ok, but not enough. i've got bennies, but no dental. and all cars suck. i've been turning wrenches since i was 14. i'm 32 now. and like you my 'better half' is in school and we primarily live off of my pay check. i know how ya feel.

Did you ever decide what you wanted to change careers too? I read once that a person changes careers every 7 years. I think you're way overdue.
JohnThrax said:
Im starting a lifegurading job at the end of the month. I have to take a physical (swimming 400 yards, CPR, the whole deal) in order to work there. I really hate working, even if the job doesnt require a lot of physical labor (that is until someone drowns and I have to go in and save their ass). I worked 7 days a week over the summer lifeguarding at a private camp for spoiled rich kids.

Good luck with your physical. I can swim enough to keep me afloat and move a bit but if I was on a sinking ship, my ass would drown.
Ha I work at sylvestrini's pizza and cook the pizzas... im only 17, almost 18 in a couple days though, so there isnt much I have to work with at this point since I have school to deal with also...
jackson3124 said:
Ha I work at sylvestrini's pizza and cook the pizzas... im only 17, almost 18 in a couple days though, so there isnt much I have to work with at this point since I have school to deal with also...

See what you have to look forward to?
I've had jobs that I hated and felt like I was wasting my life. Landscape/construction was the job I hated the most. The money was good, but the hours and the job were SHIT. I'm a night owl and waking up at 4 am, 5 days a week just dosen't agree with me! :lol: Fortunatley for the past year I've been a guitar teacher, and I LOVE my job! It's GREAT to wake up in the morning and actually look forward to work! It's not even work to me! It's been my dream in life to work in music, be it teaching, gigs, whatever, and things are slowly coming together for me! Imo EVERYONE should be so lucky, but I'm sure as we all know that's hardly the case. For me the most important thing in life is to work at my passion, the thing I love most, which for me happens to be music. I may never be rich, infact I highly doubt it, but I couldn't live with myself if I turned my back on music. It's kinda like what Frank said on the Alive 2 dvd about having no regrets. I'm the exact same way, in that I couldn't live with myself thinking what if? That'll NEVER happen!
strik9 said:
I've had jobs that I hated and felt like I was wasting my life. Landscape/construction was the job I hated the most. The money was good, but the hours and the job were SHIT. I'm a night owl and waking up at 4 am, 5 days a week just dosen't agree with me! :lol: Fortunatley for the past year I've been a guitar teacher, and I LOVE my job! It's GREAT to wake up in the morning and actually look forward to work! It's not even work to me! It's been my dream in life to work in music, be it teaching, gigs, whatever, and things are slowly coming together for me! Imo EVERYONE should be so lucky, but I'm sure as we all know that's hardly the case. For me the most important thing in life is to work at my passion, the thing I love most, which for me happens to be music. I may never be rich, infact I highly doubt it, but I couldn't live with myself if I turned my back on music. It's kinda like what Frank said on the Alive 2 dvd about having no regrets. I'm the exact same way, in that I couldn't live with myself thinking what if? That'll NEVER happen!

dude that is awesome i am really happy for u and i have a feeling i will be down the same path
I'm on the other end than some of you. WIfe works while I'm in school. I make sure to treat her well since I think she kind of hates it (at least she hates the specific job she's at now) and is only doing it for now. I hope your significant others are doing the same - even if not, I'm sure they're very grateful.
jrw01-half said:
I'm on the other end than some of you. WIfe works while I'm in school. I make sure to treat her well since I think she kind of hates it (at least she hates the specific job she's at now) and is only doing it for now. I hope your significant others are doing the same - even if not, I'm sure they're very grateful.

Are you sure you aren't my husband? Seriously though, the hubby is pretty good about showing his appreciation. I just hope this all works out in the end for all of us. It's rough, especially these days, to have only one working person in the family.
DarbysDad said:
If you hate work do what I do have cyber sex on a cyber sex thread with prime and I :heh:

You and prime have cyber sex together???:yuk: :D

DarbysDad said:
School - I'm glad I got my BS right out of high school but I think I need a Masters now :yell: more $$$ to spend. :loco:

I was in college for far too long and never graduated. I only need like 6 or 7 classes to get my degree. Problem is that I had a very strict mother growing up and when I got to college and had just a little freedom, I went ape shit with it. I never did what I should have in college. One day I might go back but even now, I have no idea what I would do. I'm so used to be a legal secretary, even though I really do want a different career. One day I'll figure it out.