hay I can help you feel better about your breakup. Lets go for some fancy dinner and stuff. I'll meet you outside your house in an hour, here's a self portrait so you don't make a mistake recognizing me.

I sure hope you aren't anxiously waiting for my arrival, beause I was totally lying.
I'm pretty emotionally strong, but I can't deal with this. My boyfriend and I just broke up, we've been together for almost 3 years, and I couldn't even give you a good reason why we broke up. I'm sure he could, but I can't. This is just ridiculous, I can't believe it :cry: To all of a sudden have to change everything is just so hard. I never thought this would happen, things were fine. Sorry to whine, I just had to vent, yes I suppose that's what this thread is :cry:

I'm very sorry to hear that...
Another one of my rats just died. She was about 3 years old, and she was sick for several I've been sort of waiting for it to happen. I've been holding her every night and last night I was dozing with her on my stomach. She just sort of died in my hands a little while ago.

And I've been lonely all day. I'm probably heading back to Ukiah soon because I can't stand being all alone anymore, especially at night. I plan on packing up my fish and my other rat and leaving asap. I'm feeling pretty morbidly depressed in general. My moods have been very manic of late...ugh, I don't know what to do. I feel like my emotions have had their high and now they've crashed.
I'm pretty emotionally strong, but I can't deal with this. My boyfriend and I just broke up, we've been together for almost 3 years, and I couldn't even give you a good reason why we broke up. I'm sure he could, but I can't. This is just ridiculous, I can't believe it :cry: To all of a sudden have to change everything is just so hard. I never thought this would happen, things were fine. Sorry to whine, I just had to vent, yes I suppose that's what this thread is :cry:

I'm really sorry to hear that, Jennifer. I can imagine breaking after three years is really hard. I hope you'll feel better soon.
Another one of my rats just died. She was about 3 years old, and she was sick for several I've been sort of waiting for it to happen. I've been holding her every night and last night I was dozing with her on my stomach. She just sort of died in my hands a little while ago.

And I've been lonely all day. I'm probably heading back to Ukiah soon because I can't stand being all alone anymore, especially at night. I plan on packing up my fish and my other rat and leaving asap. I'm feeling pretty morbidly depressed in general. My moods have been very manic of late...ugh, I don't know what to do. I feel like my emotions have had their high and now they've crashed.

I'm sorry for your loss :( Feeling lonely sucks. I actually too feel very lonely lately.
Thanks guys *hugs*
It's just been a depressing week...for several of us, it seems. blah.

Aww, I'm sorry about your boyfriend, Jenny Jen.
I really hope you feel better soon!

But hey, you're a very pretty lady, and there are other fishies in the sea ;)
I'm a 21.5 year old virgin

all your other venting rants are pathetic in comparison.

yeah but I've gone back in time and raped your mom, and that doesn't count since it was in a time before I was born, technically

you've disappointed me, my son.