well, by the time i had managed to carefully squirm out of bed this morning, i was completely exhausted. the moment i'd try to sit up it felt like i was being stabbed in my bladder. once i was standing up though it wasn't so bad. it's been just kind of a on & off sharp pain all day. but like i said my pee doesn't burn and it looks fine *shrug* maybe i tore something loose doing crunches :p
Hmm, I dunno. Everyone that's ever told me about kidney stones says it's probably the most painful experience of their lives.

And I don't think people usually get them until later on in life. I'm no doctor though heh.
my brother has had them twice, during his twenties. it was pretty damn painful this morning, moreso than a bladder infection...damned water. i should never have started drinking more!

oh well, i hear that passing them is the easiest part, most of the time. unless they're huge
meh...i probably don't have them. i remember my brother being nauseous and in a lot of pain all during the time he had them. but if i do then i'll just keep peeing :)

don't worry though, if i really start to feel like crap then i'll go use my insurance finally.
well, by the time i had managed to carefully squirm out of bed this morning, i was completely exhausted. the moment i'd try to sit up it felt like i was being stabbed in my bladder. once i was standing up though it wasn't so bad. it's been just kind of a on & off sharp pain all day. but like i said my pee doesn't burn and it looks fine *shrug* maybe i tore something loose doing crunches :p
that exercize'll kill ya, man. that and the water. jeez.

get better soon, cara! :cry:
I like all these responses!

Then jist boot 'er in the fanny. Really though, that sucks dude. Hope you and whoever that guy was can avoid jail time/fines.

After drinking heavily from around 12:30-ish in the afternoon to the early morning hours, I went to open my glasses case about an hour after getting up this morning, to find that one of the legs had broken. :erk: I don't get it, 'cos they were fine before I crashed out. Also, had to walk quite a few miles before getting offered a lift by a nice friend, and that was fine because the weather's stunning. Before getting picked up, though, I was hot, reeking, and had a rank taste in my mouth.
A few other things that have got my goat a bitty...

People drive too fast. Tractors are too loud. Thon boy-racers are idiots. The end.
the 2 people that were taking me to "the Church" have left texas

the male moved to indianapolis to live with his girlfriend that graduated an irving highschool a week ago (she's already gotten accepted into indianapolis college)

the female went to kansas city because her family owns/operates the fireworks visible in kansas city's sky on july 4th, and she's got to do somesort of prep for next year so she won't be able to get back to texas till sometime in August

so now i have to find somebody else to take me to "The Church" on Thursdays
So, I had pretty much the worst morning of my life today. I woke up with ridiculously bad cramps, and I took a bunch of ibuprofen and tried taking a hot bath, but neither did anything. Then I got a migraine (first one I've had in over a year), and I was in too much pain to fall asleep, so I lay in bed for about two hours just sobbing in absolute fucking agony until I got my dad to give me some valium, after which I was able to go to sleep.

Now the migraine is gone, but I still have terrible cramps and I have barely eaten all day, but I feel way sick whenever I try to eat something. :(
As long as you eat a little...just a little. Drink Wata!

also if you have a horrible headache of any kind...pinch the area between the thumb and the index finger, and rub it in circles. it will go away.
My migraines are more than just headaches... I get spots of light in my eyes so badly that I can't see anything except the very peripheral of my vision, my ears ring, I get overheated and covered in sweat, and I lose balance. The best way for me to get rid of them is to just fall asleep.

And I ate a little bit of chicken soup earlier, but even that made my stomach hate me.
i'm sorry to hear that Isabel! I hope you get better soon. Drinking water should help, and lots of sleep, and don't do anything that would have you think or pay attention. A good idea is to skip school tomorrow, given the circumstances of your morning today!
valium! haha. you're like one of them sf kids. lololol.

you sound all pregnant fucked up. if you are pregnant i'm gonna lol all over toronto.
IMHO health trumps in general all other aspects of school and shit like that. Unless it is an AP test, probably the teacher will be nice enough to allow you to retake it some other time.
@retarded penguin: :lol:
Haha, I have cramps. As in on my period cramps.

And it wasn't valium like YEAH GUYS LETS RAID OUR PARENTS MEDICINE CABINETS AND HAVE A GOOD TIME, it was more like holy shit I am going to die from all this pain.