Just need to vent.

Morning all. Tis not good though. So I have 4 months left here before I make my move to the city I so love. I was hoping that I could have a nice time with my friends before I leave, but they're all being assholes. Just acting like immature children. backstabbing, talking shit, being possessive. jealous. Just rediculous. I like to think I am a very nice person. I'm always there for my friends when they need me, I drop everything I'm dong to help them. I stand behind them in all their choices even if I don't agree, I encourage them to follow their hearts and dreams. I'd take the shirt off my back if they needed it and they're all treating my like garbage. I'm so crabby today I feel like stabbing someone in the eye with a pen.

So I think maybe I should flip the switch and just start acting like a complete bitch, maybe then I'll get the respect I deserve.

Man I can't wait to get the flip outta here. :Smug:
Welcome to my world Jen.

It amazes me that so called "friends" can be so thoughtless.
I sometimes think people take me for granted,under estimate, or interpret me the wrong way. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm a push over and certainly doesn't make me a second rate citizen.

I say the heck with the people causing you grief, your leaving soon so they can blow chunks. :puke:
Maybe they're just preparing themselves for their heartbreak with your departure. People do it like that sometimes.
A good group of "friends," indeed. Sounds like the best thing to do is either ignore them or go into bitch mode. They'll probably come back to you with their tails between their legs, apologizing, or they'll piss off. Doesn't really sound like you need people like that around anyway.

I went through the same thing about two months ago when my ex and I split up...I really found out who my friends were. Rather than dwelling on it, I decided to say fuck them and move on. Temperamental friends suck.

I'm also having a crappy day, so that's why this sounds a little negative. :)
DreamNeonBlack said:
Welcome to my world Jen.

It amazes me that so called "friends" can be so thoughtless.
I sometimes think people take me for granted,under estimate, or interpret me the wrong way. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm a push over and certainly doesn't make me a second rate citizen.

I say the heck with the people causing you grief, your leaving soon so they can blow chunks. :puke:
yes I'm definately counting the days and can't wait to meet some new friends:) You said Blow chunks. tehehe:)

BTW I do like the 2nd logo best also.
Cephalopod said:
A good group of "friends," indeed. Sounds like the best thing to do is either ignore them or go into bitch mode. They'll probably come back to you with their tails between their legs, apologizing, or they'll piss off. Doesn't really sound like you need people like that around anyway.

I went through the same thing about two months ago when my ex and I split up...I really found out who my friends were. Rather than dwelling on it, I decided to say fuck them and move on. Temperamental friends suck.

I'm also having a crappy day, so that's why this sounds a little negative. :)
I'm sorry your having a bad day too. Tuesdays are almost always unhappy days. At least when I'm working.
Well Jen, I moved so many times in my life, I can definitely relate...
What exactly are they doing though ? just bitching... ?

Regardless to the world, please don't adopt the "bitch" 'tude thinking this will solve discomfort... I know you were probably just kidding, but in general, I don't believe in life inside a spikey box and the hedgehog attidute... Call me crazy. Never change for anybody... people will always suck, and at the same time people will always be great. Such is life.
You will never be able to please everybody, and almost never you'll get 100% positive feedback.
Be happy with your decision, feel content about it (as I'm sure you are) and enjoy every moment you have left in your old place until you'll move to a place you're so excited about.
Your friends will understand.. and those who don't.... well, then I guess they never did...
That's odd, but what metalkingdom says is probably right. They're preparing to "sever the ties" and are fooling themselves that this way it's less painful. Or they're jealous because you leave for the city and they are stuck wherever it is they're stuck. They should come around if you give 'em a good shake.
firewalkjen said:
Morning all. Tis not good though. So I have 4 months left here before I make my move to the city I so love. I was hoping that I could have a nice time with my friends before I leave, but they're all being assholes. Just acting like immature children. backstabbing, talking shit, being possessive. jealous. Just rediculous. I like to think I am a very nice person. I'm always there for my friends when they need me, I drop everything I'm dong to help them. I stand behind them in all their choices even if I don't agree, I encourage them to follow their hearts and dreams. I'd take the shirt off my back if they needed it and they're all treating my like garbage. I'm so crabby today I feel like stabbing someone in the eye with a pen.

So I think maybe I should flip the switch and just start acting like a complete bitch, maybe then I'll get the respect I deserve.

Man I can't wait to get the flip outta here. :Smug:

hmmm just spin a globe ...mash your cunt on it and fuck somebody from whatever country you land on. "ho ho, Indonesia? relief is on its way!" :oops:
MetalKingdom is right. It's like a defense mechanism. They probably don't even realize why they are doing it. It's probably subconscious. Maybe they have a deep seeded resentment or anger toward you for some reason. Even with best friends and family, there is always something about the other person that you either hate or resent.
I'm sure that it will all resolve by the time you're ready to leave. The people bitching at you now will probably hug you in 3 and a half months from now.
Sorry to hear that Jen I hate it when my friends do that kind of stuff although they do it rarely... I have other problems. A lot of my friends are pathological liers... and they lie about stuff that can be very easily checked...
Stormrider1981 said:
You know, I don't mind bad language, but this is just fucking disrespectful.

It's like saying... spin a globe, slap your penis on it and screw a random girl from that country!


That may just work!

But guys are pigs


Like the N word the S word the W word the Ch word.

Fuck all those super offensive words! :p