Star Wars Vent

^FYI the new movies will almost certainly not be based on the Timothy Zahn books you are referring to. I would be completely shocked if that turns out to be the case. In fact Lucas made it sound like he himself has written the outlines for 7-9.

Regarding your criticism of the prequel films:

They feel "made up around the original trilogy". This is purely intentional. It may not be evident upon first viewing the prequels. But each scene (damn near every plot point) is a mirror of another point in the saga. Every character's experiences are replicated by another character.

For instance, off the top of my head, in V, R2D2 is spat out of the swamp monster and at the same time the Millenium Falcon is spat out of an asteroid monster. Han and Leia fall in love on an asteroid, Luke and Leia are born on an asteroid. C3PO gets built just as Darth Vader is getting built (they are both nice and shiny at the end of III). R2D2 gets electrocuted twice -- the first time this happens, Luke gets his hand cut off, the second time it happens, Luke gets electrocuted. This sort of shit is mirrored throughout the saga and it makes each viewing a new experience. Check out the link above for a bunch more. It is seemingly endless.

And while some of this is likely unintended, most of the mirrors are crucial to the main point of the whole story: good can easily turn to evil, it has happened before and will happen again, and most important, it is happening now, in our world.
Even though I realize that all these movies were written together A LONG TIME AGO, I still very strongly feel that the prequels would have been much, much better if they would have simply focused on the transformation of Anakin into Vader. Ep III should have been the first movie of a trilogy, the other two documenting the rise of the empire with a focus on vader doing absolutely inhuman evil shit. Watching Anakin for three movies made Vader look like a pussy.

I also feel that with Star Wars being such a huge merchandising powerhouse, they kind of fucking ROTJ/Thunderdome'd it by making them a bit too much like a kids movie.

Another thing - killing off darth maul so quick fucking sucked.
Honestly, I am traumatized right now. I have to throw up.

May the force be with you :lol:

Honestly.... This is good news in my opinion! If Lucas did the outline... then holy crap, Disney is THE RIGHT company to tell that story. It's fucking Disney. And it's star wars... So it's not like it needs to be any more than MA15+.... So I think it'll be fine!!!
^FYI the new movies will almost certainly not be based on the Timothy Zahn books you are referring to. I would be completely shocked if that turns out to be the case. In fact Lucas made it sound like he himself has written the outlines for 7-9.

Regarding your criticism of the prequel films:

They feel "made up around the original trilogy". This is purely intentional. It may not be evident upon first viewing the prequels. But each scene (damn near every plot point) is a mirror of another point in the saga. Every character's experiences are replicated by another character.

For instance, off the top of my head, in V, R2D2 is spat out of the swamp monster and at the same time the Millenium Falcon is spat out of an asteroid monster. Han and Leia fall in love on an asteroid, Luke and Leia are born on an asteroid. C3PO gets built just as Darth Vader is getting built (they are both nice and shiny at the end of III). R2D2 gets electrocuted twice -- the first time this happens, Luke gets his hand cut off, the second time it happens, Luke gets electrocuted. This sort of shit is mirrored throughout the saga and it makes each viewing a new experience. Check out the link above for a bunch more. It is seemingly endless.

And while some of this is likely unintended, most of the mirrors are crucial to the main point of the whole story: good can easily turn to evil, it has happened before and will happen again, and most important, it is happening now, in our world.

I hope so, if they wrote another storyline, then there is hope !

I am well aware of the mirroring you mention, and I actually love this. It's not a secret, most major scenes and many plans are based on one of the first trilogy, some of them relate to another one etc, and this is actually very cool. I'm more disappointed in the movies themselves, this fact put aside. I agree it makes watching the movies more interesting. It's just that generally, the first three movies are lacking a few things and don't have as much soul as the last three ones imo. I enjoy watching them as an entertainment though.
I don't care for all the foreshadowing. It doesn't make the films any better, and clearly distracted the film makers from other more important things.

One thing that's always bugged me is how R2D2 and C3PO were shoehorned into the prequels. I don't think people really gave a fuck about the prequels as an origin story for anyone but Vader and Obi Wan. I could see them being in the background of the third episode with a few other characters but that's it really.

I was also disappointed by the aesthetics of the prequels. Sure, they tried tying the design with the older movies but somehow totally missed the mark. They don't feel like star wars, at all.

And those will never be as good at the moment in Episode III when Yoday opens his tunic, and put his hand out then uses the force to bring out his light saber!

That IS the most intense and EPIC Star Wars moment ever!

The entire scene from Anakin getting bitch slapped by Dooku, to Some of the better light saber fighting in the prequels with Dooku and Obi Wan. Then the ominous shadow that was little ol Yoda coming down the hall being all BAD ASS.

For me that moment was WAY more significant then "Luke, I am your father" and the faggotry that followed after that.

Its the most EPIC 5 minutes in ANY star wars movie!

But that being said, Empire is STILL my favorite.
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Even though I realize that all these movies were written together A LONG TIME AGO, I still very strongly feel that the prequels would have been much, much better if they would have simply focused on the transformation of Anakin into Vader. Ep III should have been the first movie of a trilogy, the other two documenting the rise of the empire with a focus on vader doing absolutely inhuman evil shit. Watching Anakin for three movies made Vader look like a pussy.

I also feel that with Star Wars being such a huge merchandising powerhouse, they kind of fucking ROTJ/Thunderdome'd it by making them a bit too much like a kids movie.

Another thing - killing off darth maul so quick fucking sucked.

I couldnt disagree with this more.. Turning this into a murder fest would have ruined it all. I don't know how into the universe you are but if you read all the books you would now Vader wasn't a bad man, just conflicted. I think they did an excellent job of portraying our confused Anakin was from a story point of view. The actor they chose for both Anakins was a mistake in my opinion.

The other thing that bothered me was the use of so many big name actors. There was just a poor choice in casting overall for these films. I though the only characters that had the correct actors playing them were Obi Wan, Dooku, and Ray Park as Darth Maul. (FYI 2nd most epic Light Saber battle in Star Wars history)

I understand what Lucas was trying to do by bringing in Jar Jar, it was his attempt to hook the kids like he did with the Ewoks in Jedi, and I think he did it brilliantly. Doesn't mean I don't hate the character.

Star Wars for Lucas was always about MONEY, and if you think about it from that point of view he did a fine job.

True Star Wars fans know the plot twists and changes and the books that follow, Its difficult to get it all in there as there was a SHIT TON of things written before this movie came out that Lucas was trying to tie in. Personally I think there should have been 3 more movies in between the Prequels and Star Wars. There is still so much of a story there to be told.
Not a huge fan of Star Wars, and I don't think they're the worst movies ever, but they're far from perfect. I recently watched all 6 in 6 nights and I felt like a lot of characters were just not needed and I didn't care about anything they did. C3PO is the biggest cunt in the universe. He spends the whole movie being a dick to R2D2, and I have no idea why anyone puts up with him. In 6 movies he does hardly any actual translation. he's a fucking worthless, annoying character and I hate him. R2D2 is annoying as well. Aren't droids supposed to do what they're told? He spends the whole time doing whatever the fuck he wants and most of the time leading loads of other characters into trouble, SHUT. IT. DOWN. General Grievous didn't make any sense either - he was just introduced like your supposed to know what he is and it seems like he should have a back story to at least make him relevant to the story - but no, just another random character for no reason and no explanation. Anakin transfoming into Vader was awful as well. I didn't believe the character would go to the dark side, he wasn't an evil character, he was a good character that had bad stuff happen to him - he didn't seem evil to me. I can't be arsed to point out any other flaws - but there are plenty more.
I think you guys need to watch the Red Letter Media reviews of each of the prequels. If you still think they are worthwhile movies after that, then there is just no helping you.
Not a huge fan of Star Wars, and I don't think they're the worst movies ever, but they're far from perfect. I recently watched all 6 in 6 nights and I felt like a lot of characters were just not needed and I didn't care about anything they did. C3PO is the biggest cunt in the universe. He spends the whole movie being a dick to R2D2, and I have no idea why anyone puts up with him. In 6 movies he does hardly any actual translation. he's a fucking worthless, annoying character and I hate him. R2D2 is annoying as well. Aren't droids supposed to do what they're told? He spends the whole time doing whatever the fuck he wants and most of the time leading loads of other characters into trouble, SHUT. IT. DOWN. General Grievous didn't make any sense either - he was just introduced like your supposed to know what he is and it seems like he should have a back story to at least make him relevant to the story - but no, just another random character for no reason and no explanation. Anakin transfoming into Vader was awful as well. I didn't believe the character would go to the dark side, he wasn't an evil character, he was a good character that had bad stuff happen to him - he didn't seem evil to me. I can't be arsed to point out any other flaws - but there are plenty more.

Grevious' character is anything but random. He is foreshadowing Vader. Brought back from the dead, amazing warrior, half machine with a scary voice who has amazing physical ability but no strength in the force. Anakin also loses much of his force power when he becomes half machine. Grevious is the half-robot leader of the droid army. Vader is the half-robot leader of the clone army. The list goes on. Grevious is crucial to the story.
I think you guys need to watch the Red Letter Media reviews of each of the prequels. If you still think they are worthwhile movies after that, then there is just no helping you.

As I stated earlier, I don't need some self-important film reviewer telling me what to think. I'm perfectly capable of making up my own mind.
And those will never be as good at the moment in Episode III when Yoday opens his tunic, and put his hand out then uses the force to bring out his light saber!

That IS the most intense and EPIC Star Wars moment ever!


The whole point of Yoda and 99% of his dialogue in Empire was mind over matter. The worst thing about the prequels is that they contradict the originals constantly.
The whole point of Yoda and 99% of his dialogue in Empire was mind over matter. The worst thing about the prequels is that they contradict the originals constantly.

Where/when do you think Yoda learned that? Did you miss the part where Yoda realizes that he completely fucked up and "into exile I must go"? His character completely changes between III and V as he realizes his mistakes. In II he leads a clone army. In I he constantly disagrees with Qui-Gon's methods. Yoda is so stubborn about his ways that it takes the tragedies at the end of III for Yoda to realize that QuiGon was right all along. He can't beat the dark side with a light saber. Only through QuiGon's teachings.

The worst thing about most Star Wars haters is the ignorance of their criticisms.