Star Wars review *no spoilers*

Katana Overlord

Master of the Pit
Jan 2, 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Alright then, I bought my tickets for the first showing of Star Wars in my city about 3 weeks ago. It's a lot more fun to go to the first showing, more hype, more Star Wars geek shenanigans and such. So first I'll start off with the fact that it is only after one watching and that it was an instantly gratifying movie, but as I have only seen it once I have no clue if it has replay value.

War! the first word you see when the story starts to scroll up on the screen... At that point I though "ah crap". But as that was the only annoying fault in the movie, besides bad acting and not so good dialogue (what can you really expect, it is Star Wars) up until near the ending, it shows that it was quite good movie. It is better than the last two, it sort of takes the best of both movies and then makes it darker. And as a side note there is an alien race in the movie that look exactly like Nosferatu from the 1922 movie... If you are a Star Wars fan, you'll like it for sure, if you happen to be sort of a movie snob (not in a bad way), then there is the possiblity you will not like it as much.

And for the record:
R2 kicks ass
Wookies kick ass
Yoda kicks ass
I've seen Revenge Of The Sith yesterday and I'll try to sum up my impressions without spoilers. The first hour or so has a lot of action and fun moments (sometimes a bit silly, but that's okay) like the other Star Wars movies, but when Anakin falls to the dark side the mood of the movie changes dramatically. Very sad and a bit shocking to see what "little Ani" is capable of doing. His fall to the dark side and the Jedi purge happen very quick (he says "What have I done" and one second later he kneels before his new Master). Anakin's final defeat is the most drastic scene in the movie and I'm not sure if my 8 year old son (a huge SW fan, quite like his father) will have nightmares afterwards (the movie is rated PG 10 here in Austria and I already have tickets for me and my son for tomorrow).
Anyway, the movie ends with a new hope and the saga goes full circle.
There's a lot of well spirited deja-vus (for those who've seen Ep. IV - VI), but there is also some information lacking, if you've only seen the movies (who erased Camino from the Jedi archives, who killed Jedi master Sifo-Dyas, what's up with General Grievous' health etc.).
The best of the new trilogy IMHO. ENJOY!
Acting in this film needs some serious work in a few areas.
However the opening battle scene is absolutley amazing! I have never seen CGI work of this caliber. There is so much going on.