Star Wars Vent

Wow, an hour long review of a two hour movie. I made it through 30 minutes of the Ep I review. It was funny. But I only found one valid criticism: the opening crawl says "two jedi knights" while it was really only one jedi master and one padawan. The other criticisms were either subjective or invalid. I saw nothing about the crew making mistakes.

What a waste of time.
Wow, an hour long review of a two hour movie. I made it through 30 minutes of the Ep I review. It was funny. But I only found one valid criticism: the opening crawl says "two jedi knights" while it was really only one jedi master and one padawan. The other criticisms were either subjective or invalid. I saw nothing about the crew making mistakes.

What a waste of time.

lol. You didn't even watch it did you..?!

Tell you what.. I'll spell it out for you:

Watch it from 1:12 ... you can see Lucas is all frustrated and shocked and what they've made. Then they have a rationalization session and he thinks it is all edgy and risque...
I am watching episode III after watching I and II during the last days. I must say, after reading this thread that pointed it out more than I remembered, the acting is very average at best at some moments, it's actually embarrassing sometimes. Young Anakin in I is annoying, he sounds like he is reading and not acting, and although I know he had to be sure of himself, he sounds like an ass, not cute at all. Grown up Anakin in II is the worst actor of the main characters, his acting is very average. It's like along the prequel, every time Anakin has to play some sort of feeling, he presses a switch, and everything feels forced, from when he is angry to when he is declaring his love (in II, when he does to Padme, it feels so awkward, like "wtf would you do it so fast and at this moment, she's totally not gonna fall for that". If Natalie Portman was not there to save the show, it would have been a disaster on the acting side ! A few awkward moments too, like Jango Fett's kid (Boba Fett that we see in V) who answers to his father's line by a "aha!" laugh that feels so awkwardly acted. Like Star War's casting couldn't find a better young actor to play 2 lines and 3 laughs in the whole movie ? Also, in I, Qui Gon Jin is indeed characterless. At no point he has an aura or feels like an important character. He even dies an non remarquable way, I'm not surprised no one remembers him.

Oh and yeah, Jar Jar Binks is annoying as hell and just ruins I, and I hate the ending battle, what a clown joke ! I know Lucas was trying to catch kids with this, but I think what he did with the Ewoks was way cooler. They still look cute and their battle is entertaining, but the I ending battle doesn't make sense, not to mention it is totally useless because in the end the droids were deactivated (they lost anyway) from space.

I still enjoy a lot the aesthetics, I think those who did the best work overall are the designers, I love how they mix old and futuristic, the spacecraft designs are really subtle and I love the mix they did between 60s kitch old cars and all, and futuristic spaceships. I also like how every machine or weapon used in the prequel reminds you of the Empire machine designs in the original series. Even the personal spaceship ObiWan uses in II looks like a sized down empire destroyer ni the making. I still think they feel like a totally different movie than the original's, but still I think they did a great job. The look of Padme as a queen in I was a good call as well. I like how both evil characters (Sidious and a more subtle way Palpatine) show their hands out of their robe when they walk, it triggers in your head the use of the force the dark side way, like Palpatine as an emperor in IV/V/VI.

I love how the music themes announce the future and link with the original. For example I noticed the original's main theme only appears for the first time (it rarely does anyway) in II when Anakin is in Tatooine, which is where Luke is presented in the beginning of IV, with the same theme if I'm right. Of course you have the empire march theme at the end of II when you see for the first time the clone army being assembled but that didn't feel as subtle.

Now I'm gonna watch III which is to me the only really viable movie in the prequel for it focuses on what people really want to see in the whole thing, and has less useless moments.
Finished the III. This one stays the epic one to me, the only moment I would skip is the General Grievous battle and fight, I find the action scene keeps me holding in between the good storyline moments. The rest is good, even Anakin is less annoying (still is at times) when he start going to the dark side. Some moments are a little bit simplistic to me, the big one being how obvious things could have been avoided but you can't re-write the story. The anakin vs obi wan fight at the end is the real epic one even though over the top and too long (I don't really find the darth maul fight epic at all, it looks silly to me, and the II one in the hangar is only acrobatic) though the part on the lava is too much imo.

EDIT : the whole story is dumb though, I decided I would stop trying to make sense out of it because it was already a lost cause. It's like everyone in the story is blind and doesn't see the obvious. I can't see how someone can explain how they didn't see palpatine was the one. I mean, he is gathering an army, trying to get all powers for ten or fifteen years, comes looking evil, and no one gets he is the dark lord of the siths.

EDIT2 : exactly my thought (especially the parts about the dumb story mistakes)

There are so many illogical things along the movies and I just decided I would enjoy this one at least !

The palpatine actor is awesome in his role, he really makes the whole movie. Truly the best actor here

I love how at the end when the twins are born, the musics match for both of them
the whole story is dumb though, I decided I would stop trying to make sense out of it because it was already a lost cause. It's like everyone in the story is blind and doesn't see the obvious. I can't see how someone can explain how they didn't see palpatine was the one. I mean, he is gathering an army, trying to get all powers for ten or fifteen years, comes looking evil, and no one gets he is the dark lord of the siths.

I'm not gonna comment on anything else, but I wouldn't be surprised if something very similar happened in real life, and a lot of people would fall for it like morons. I won't name names, but I can think of someone who's doing pretty much what Palpatine did (without the thunder and other cool stuff) right now in this planet and people applaud them like retarded seals.
I'm not gonna comment on anything else, but I wouldn't be surprised if something very similar happened in real life, and a lot of people would fall for it like morons. I won't name names, but I can think of someone who's doing pretty much what Palpatine did (without the thunder and other cool stuff) right now in this planet and people applaud them like retarded seals.

This is obvious and has happened before,

But here there are like
- 15 jedi masters actively trying to find who is the bad guy
- someone is head of the republic and has been gathering more and more power by having voted full executive power to himself, after being re-elected several times and held there after his mandates, all while building an army

I'm not even gonna enter into listing the many ways they could have easily checked it

Also, he gave anakin 3 or 4 direct hints he was a sith lord (he tells him he knows a little bit of the force - he tells him he knows about sith lords, including legends he says only siths know - he tells him he heard about some ways to create or save life with the dark side - he looks at him awkwardly in the eyes while saying so). And when he does reveal it directly to Anakin later on, Anakin gets all surprised and reports him right away. Come on ! I actually thought Anakin already got it and just played with it or tried to ignore it. But apparently not really since he immediately reports him, which btw feels awkward at a moment when as a spectator you think his cause is already more on palpatine's side

In the same kind of numbness, in episode II, obiwan goes to the archives to check about the system where they create clones (they don't know it by then but whatever). He can't find it "there is a hole in this part of space". What a mystery, he comes home and asks yoda about this. A kid tells him : "it's because it must have been erased". What a genius !
I'm not gonna comment on anything else, but I wouldn't be surprised if something very similar happened in real life, and a lot of people would fall for it like morons. I won't name names, but I can think of someone who's doing pretty much what Palpatine did (without the thunder and other cool stuff) right now in this planet and people applaud them like retarded seals.

I'm not gonna comment on anything else, but I wouldn't be surprised if something very similar happened in real life, and a lot of people would fall for it like morons. I won't name names, but I can think of someone who's doing pretty much what Palpatine did (without the thunder and other cool stuff) right now in this planet and people applaud them like retarded seals.
Mitt Romney eh?
In the same kind of numbness, in episode II, obiwan goes to the archives to check about the system where they create clones (they don't know it by then but whatever). He can't find it "there is a hole in this part of space". What a mystery, he comes home and asks yoda about this. A kid tells him : "it's because it must have been erased". What a genius !
Because only a Jedi (master? Maybe Knight idk) can change the archives.
Because only a Jedi (master? Maybe Knight idk) can change the archives.

Yes I know but it doesn't change the fact it should have been a possibility to consider, especially when you know you are after a Sith, and "I find nothing in there, there is a hole of information in this spot, and it seems all planets around there are attracted to some source of gravity exactly where I am searching a planet"

Basically, the story more or less is coherent in a way, but at all time if you imagine yourself in the position of the characters, there is no way you would have done the same things. Like if he was more intelligent, palpatine would have made grievous more difficult to find, so that he got more time to build a bigger army. His plan relies on having an enemy to justify building an empire, and yet he stages the end of that war. I see no particular interest in doing so when you can make it longer, unless he was impatient

Like, when i think of it, maybe for this particular case i'm too blind to get it, but the opening sequence in III doesn't make sense to me yet. Was palpatine's abduction staged ? For what reason ? To kill dooku ? Why didn't dooku open his mouth when he saw palpatine betray him and tell anakin to kill him ? Would he actually have taken so much risk for no actual interest in the end (palpatine almost got killed in a destroyer crash on coruscant if you think of it)
Here is some vindication for me: "Critic Camille Paglia Thinks 'Revenge of the Sith' Is Our Generation's Greatest Work of Art"

Well, what about Revenge of the Sith? You say it's the greatest work of art, in any medium, created in the last 30 years. It’s better than... uh, Matthew Barney or Rachel Whiteread or Chris Ware or Peter Doig?

"Yes, the long finale of Revenge of the Sith has more inherent artistic value, emotional power, and global impact than anything by the artists you name. It's because the art world has flat-lined and become an echo chamber of received opinion and toxic over-praise. It's like the emperor's new clothes—people are too intimidated to admit what they secretly think or what they might think with their blinders off."