fuckin dates

Originally posted by Zicrom
Buffff man..... "where the hell IS you?" :bah:
where the hell did you learn English???!!!!!

sorry... im one o the best in my english class. but sometimes i make mistakes like that. but... i cant see the mistake. ARE instead IS ???? is that the mistake? (please reply):)
Originally posted by loWildChild

sorry... im one o the best in my english class. but sometimes i make mistakes like that. but... i cant see the mistake. ARE instead IS ???? is that the mistake? (please reply):)

LMAO that's a trip. So much sarcasm and authoritative rebellion in the world today would normally lead people to think he's just fuckin around. People say shit like that all the time in the US by the way..........although it isn't correct, it's just a rebellious means of fuckin around. You never stop to think that he REALLY didn't understand how to say it in the first place. LoL unless of course you're also from Malaga, in which case you caught that. Obviously another cross-culture conflict.
Eu so aprendi ingles por q eu fui obrigado(todos os empregos pedem),eu quero q os EUA se fodam ,vcs se quiserem entender q venham aprender portugues!Eu acho q vcs pensam q mandam no mundo mas so saum um saco de merda!Um dia uns Ossamas bin Laden mostram o q eh bom ,e vcs naum gostao!E qnto a rappers e metaleiros ,som bom naum tem lingua ,pode ser ate em arabe