Fucking beast of a song


Oct 26, 2009
Hey guys.

This is a track that I produced and wrote a lot of it as well.

I'm not looking so much for mix critique as I am wondering what you think of the production of it!

The mix starts to open up during the chorus.

I feel that there are a few too many key parts and such, but that's the bands gig.. They live that sort of stuff..

Btw, since there were so many tracks in this song, I ended up mixing it in a style that is shooting for more of a 'single instrument' mix.. Meaning I didn't focus souly on the individual instruments as much as I did the WHOLE picture and making it sound like one big beast.
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clean vocals could have been louder, they don't cut through. But overall it's pretty solid.
Sounds pretty killer to me, man! The snare sounds just a little loud, especially in the really high range on my cans. There's definitely a lot going on here.

Yup I agree about the snare! Gotta bring the lowmids down on it.
Not possible. I only used one mic

Did you use any kind of widening in the mastering chain? I can't put my finger on it, but something doesn't sound right with the guitars. I noticed it right when the song started and had to turn it off immediately.

I'm listening with the 1080p HD as well so it can't be Youtube. Not my monitors either because other songs sound fine, even on Youtube.
Damn thats a badass song dude!! The chorus is soooo sick. I agree the cleans should come up a scoach. Other than that it sounds pretty solid mix-wise.
Did you use any kind of widening in the mastering chain? I can't put my finger on it, but something doesn't sound right with the guitars. I noticed it right when the song started and had to turn it off immediately.

I'm listening with the 1080p HD as well so it can't be Youtube. Not my monitors either because other songs sound fine, even on Youtube.

What you're hearing is intentional. I didn't pan 100% L and R.. I panned one 85%, and one 95%, and sent it to a bus with a very slight room sound to it. It gave it a more realistic character, and a bit more "odd" sounding, which is exactly what arpan and I wanted to execute.