Fucking bullshit!


Nov 1, 2009
Okay so, i posted a thread here a while back about a band who fucked me over and put an unfinished mix (not even mastered) up on their myspace.

We had literally just got done tracked, and the drums were replaced. That was IT! And they asked for a rough mix, so i regrettably gave them one. (DON'T DO THIS.)


Months later, i find out that their guitarist's practice room/shed burns down because of a cigarette he left lit in the building.

What do you know?! He's got insurance on the building, but they just take a cash estimate of the monetary worth of the building and it's contents and reimburse him.

He had a shitty laptop, a line-6 tube head, an old crappy drumset (can't even remember what brand, and i'm a drummer.), a cab, some PA speakers. This shed was your normal shed size. Maybe 10x12?

Well, now he's got a MacBook Pro, KRK Rokit's, an AKG condenser, a brand new PDP drumset (around $900 for just the shells), Zildjian A Custom cymbals, another line-6 tube head, cab, and a brand new PA.

Oh, and they REBUILT the shed to accommodate a studio space (desk and such, not fancy by anymeans), and a practice space for his band.

This shit just really irks me. I know it's unrealistic and irrational to get mad, but seriously?!?!

That shit only happens in the movies, or just NOT to me.

I don't know if you guys can relate, but this kind of pisses me off like when I see a 16-year old blonde girl driving around in a 2010 BMW. 2010 Mustangs are also the popular "teenage girl car" around here.

I drive a 1999 Champagne Toyota Camry. (Amazing ride, very reliable.)

But damn..



That sucks for you but win for him.
or report him for insurance fraud. :lol: A nice criminal record to go along with all the stuff that your insurance (indirectly) paid for! But seriously, I always hear stories like this and it make me livid then to think that this is why insurance prices are so high!