
beat defective
Sep 12, 2008

URGH cubase decided to crash and fucking leave the project file in a fucking unreadable state, WHAT THE FUCK. i've just lost DAYS of work now, my only fucking option is to start all over again.


also, i just screamed so fucking loud i think my neighbors called the police.
i always have about 10-20 different files of my projects, i have auto save off
as it fucks up everything so i save manually every time i think that i made some progress,
may it be recording, editing or mixing. try it! ;)

i always have about 10-20 different files of my projects, i have auto save off
as it fucks up everything so i save manually every time i think that i made some progress,
may it be recording, editing or mixing.

Same here, sometimes when cubase has started acting strange I'll do two saves per step incase one fucks up (doing so has saved me once)
put 'Save as new version' on a shortcut, and fire this shortcut whenever you do soemthing important. Do twice, like a previous poster said.
open the most recent backup. At worst you lost 15minutes of work.

unfortunately auto-save isn't enabled by default (i have no idea why..)

i've started the long process of re-doing everything, there was a few things i probably should have done before which i'm doing now in the project, so in some ways it's just as well that i lost it..

This is strange cause whenever Cubase crashes on me and I hit save, a prompt comes up saying it will save the file to a different name so that if it is corrupted it will not corrupt the original file that I was working from.
it depends how badly it dies.

if it gets a SIGABRT from the operating system, it just magically disappears with the good old "cubase has quit unexpectedly.."

you get an error like yours, if a built in assertion fails. (an assertion is something that should be true, but may not crash if false)
I don't use auto-save, haven't in years. Actually have less issues with it off. Secondly, I make backups of my projects every time I work on them.

URGH cubase decided to crash and fucking leave the project file in a fucking unreadable state, WHAT THE FUCK. i've just lost DAYS of work now, my only fucking option is to start all over again.


also, i just screamed so fucking loud i think my neighbors called the police.
This is the exact reason i switched to REAPER a good while ago.
Now i am a happy musician. :)
Yes, because this couldn't possibly happen with Reaper.

REAPER project files are text files... just open them and see the clarity.

Once it happened that 1 bad plugin crashed the whole thing on project load, so i opened the project file in windows text editor, removed the offending plugin and saved the day :)

Try doing the same thing with and old (idk how it is in new versions) Cubarse project file lol.