cubase monitoring problem.


Nov 21, 2008
Frederick, MD
Hey. Im running cubase studio 5,5.1.0. Basically, i cannot monitor a session i was working on through my firestudio or asio duplex driver. For this session, i turned off my firestudio before saving. And cubase made me choose a device before i could press anything. So i just did "no driver" because i dind't think it would matter, then i saved. So i guess the project was saved under "no driver". So when i open this session back up, i cant hear anything out of either device, firestudio, or asio. Im getting levels on my mixer, but no sound. All other projects work, just not this one. Ive had this happen to another project in the passed too. Ive tried saving under different names and such as well. Restarted, turned on firestudio, opened cubase, selected project, changed device to firestudio, still no sound. No idea what to do. Im assuming its within the actual file itself? Any suggestions?
I cant tell you for the exact terms as I'm not at my audio computer now, but look in the devices menu. There should be a devices setup or something like that. It will bring up a menu where I think you go to audio devices and you can set up the driver there.