Fucking fuck the fucking IRS fucks


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Well not really the IRS this time around, but my fucking state department of taxation are a bunch of jew bastards(no offense to jews, I'm just pissed and using it as a figure of speech)

Manged to go from $578 owed to the feds to a $345 refund.

Cool beans.

Then I just did my state taxes. I owe the bastards $371. WTF? How do i get a refund federally, yet owe state taxes? I don't even owe any local tax.... I tried REALLY hard with the deductions to drop it down, but $371 was the best I could do.

I'm leaving this shitty state.
I suppose this will sound laughable to anyone out there in the "real world", but I thought all taxes were taken from your income? I'd certainly much prefer it that way, rather than getting a cockslap like that...
I suppose this will sound laughable to anyone out there in the "real world", but I thought all taxes were taken from your income? I'd certainly much prefer it that way, rather than getting a cockslap like that...

They usually take out enough, and then the refund is what you overpay. But Ohio raised taxes, got rid of things you could deduct, which left me hanging dry. They want more $$$. Money they will spend on Columbus and nothing else.

Yeah, I got a refund from NYS last year (and I was married, nothing has changed from last year) and this year I owed the state $397. I only owed the feds $40.

Taxes got fucked somehow this year. Since the only thing that has changed in a while is who is running the country I chose to blame those assholes.