Actually you can never reach the speed of light. Your mass would begin to increase infinitely, requiring infinite energy to get you there. C (speed of light) in english units is about 670,616,629 MPH. As you approach this speed (but never matching it!) all other stationary reference points would begin to observe the strange effects of relativity on you ( Time dilation, increase mass, squished appearance). If you travel say 650,000,000 MPH in reference to Earth every one second on Earth will equal .2460 seconds in your time( If I did the math correctly).

Sorry for that, I couldn't pass it up.:)

I think I was aware that you cannot travel light speed... but I can't garuantee that.

Charis - I agree 100% :p
here's my contribution

1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

2. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.

3. A shrimp's heart is in its head.

4. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.

5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

6. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

7. More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

8. Horses can't vomit.

9. Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

10. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.

11. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.

12. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

13. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

14. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

15. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

16. 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.

17. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

18. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

19. Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.

*last one is gay*

Can I lick your elbow?
I'll append one of these: You cannot travel at or above the speed of light in this universe.

Also, the rhyming thing with month, purple, and orange - not true if you allow rhyming unconventional words (scientific words, long words, etc.)
I'll append one of these: You cannot travel at or above the speed of light in this universe.


True. We could be on a 4D brane floating in a higher dimensional plane which could be governed by completely different sets laws.

Also, there is the concept called entanglement. It deals with particle states and the information sent between them. It has been observed this information (I'm not sure if information is the correct word to use) exceeds C, as it is instantaneously transfered.
or you can avoid the issues of rhyming, as Hendrix did.... I dont know :rolleyes: just thinking about those colors, purple and orange reminded of this song, great song, should be in everyones library. In fact, I'd say he raises a very fucking interesting topic with this painting... :)

Bold As Love

Anger he smiles, towering in shiny metallic purple armor
Queen jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground
Blue are the life giving waters taking for granted
They quietly understand.
Once happy Turquoise armies lay opposite ready
But wonder why the fight is on

But they're all bold as love
they're all bold as love
they're all bold as love
Just ask the Axis

My Red is so confident
He flashes trophies of war and ribbons of euphoria
Orange is young, full of daring
But very unsteady for the first go round
My Yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say that it's frightened like me
And all these emotions of mine
Keep holding me from giving my life to a rainbow like you

But I'm, yeah, I'm bold as love
Well, I'm bold, bold as love
I'm bold as love
Just ask the Axis, he knows everything
Neither can rats.

Rats and mice are also incontinent. Every thing they walked on, they most likely peed on.


Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced.

Hot water is heavier than cold.

A dog was killed by a meteor at Nakhla, Egypt, in 1911. The unlucky canine is the only creature known to have been killed by a meteor.

Rain contains vitamin B12.

The first man-made item to exceed the speed of sound is the bull whip our leather whip. When the whip is snapped, the knotted end makes a "crack" or popping noise. It is actually causing a mini sonic boom as it exceeds the speed of sound.

A bowl of lime Jell-O, when hooked up to an EEG machine, exhibited movement which is virtually identical to the brain waves of a healthy adult man or woman.

A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top. This is because the carbonation in the drink gets pockets of air stuck in the wrinkles of the raisin, which is light enough to be raised by this air. When it reaches the surface of the champagne, the bubbles pop, and the raisin sinks back to the bottom, starting the cycle over.

Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west.

You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina.

Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.

In the state of Queensland, Australia, it is still constitutional law that all pubs (hotel/bar) must have a railing outside for patrons to tie up their horse.
-Only Harris knows how to do suprrize buttsecks on a mermaid. :kickass:

-An average pillow (~6 years in use) has house dust mite remains inside approx. 10% of the pillows weight.
mice ?

Tic Ticky Tic Toc

Tic ticky tic toc the mouse ran up the clock
From high above he looked fierce and frightening
So all the sheep below declared him “ The King ”

They bowed their heads so full of themselves
In that they had done the right thing, for you see
Sheep come as they are and sheep they’ll all be
Stepping in line to follow the mouse into a sea of bliss

If the piper led rats
And the mice fed cats
Would men become sheep
And follow mice where cats sleep ?

A mouse needs little to satisfy its needs
But a place to sleep and grind its teeth
Now a mouse lives in our clock
Building its house and grinding its teeth

But the sheep is blind and cant question
How long ? … the ticking of the clock

me....... :lol:...... so Im a wack job
here's my contribution

1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

19. Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.

I can lick my elbow... mainly because I can also twist my arm round a full 360 degrees :lol:
@ noble savage - those are some pretty interesting ones..

Hmm, these are apparently some weird ass U.S. laws (not sure how accurate)

In Texas, it's against the law for anyone to have a pair of pliers in his or her possession.

In Philadelphia, you can't put pretzels in bags based on an Act of 1760.

Alaska law says that you can't look at a moose from an airplane.

California law prohibits a woman from driving a car while dressed in a housecoat.

In Memphis, Tennessee, a woman is not to drive a car unless a man warns approaching motorists or pedestrians by walking in front of the car that is being driven.

In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year.

In Utah, birds have the right of way on any public highway.

In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday.

In Virginia, the Code of 1930 has a statute which prohibits corrupt practices or bribery by any person other than political candidates.

In the State of Kansas, you're not allowed to drive a buffalo through a street.

In Florida, it is against the law to put livestock on a school bus.

In New Jersey, cabbage can't be sold on Sunday.

In North Carolina, it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight.

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.

In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder.

In Washington State, you can't carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length.

In San Francisco, there is an ordinance, which bans the picking up and throwing of used confetti.

In Kentucky, it is illegal for a merchant to force a person into his place of business for the purpose of making a sale.

It is against the law in Connecticut for a man to write love letters to a girl whose mother or father has forbidden the relationship.

In Michigan, married couples must live together or be imprisoned.

In the state of Colorado, a pet cat, if loose, must have a tail-light.

In Galveston, Texas, it is illegal to have a camel run loose in the street.

In Rochester, Michigan, the law is that anyone bathing in public must have the bathing suit inspected by a police officer.

In California, a law created in 1925 makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing.

In Utah, daylight must be visible between dancing couples.

In Michigan, it is against the law for a lady to lift her skirt more than 6 inches while walking through a mud puddle.

In North Carolina, it is against the law for a rabbit to race down the street.

In West Virginia, one can't cook sauerkraut or cabbage due to the odors and the offence is subject to imprisonment.

In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave.

The law states that more than 3000 sheep cannot be herded down Hollywood Blvd. at any one time.

In Texas, it is still a "hanging offense" to steal cattle.
obviously people arent being arrested for any of it anymore, but i wonder if its still written in the legislation..

The question is, why were they established in the first place? I'm pretty sure these laws are still active it just depends on how the officers/court etc decide to enforce them. You could still get arrested for them.