Fucking Jehova's


Feb 4, 2002
Well I recently moved to a new house and its out of town a bit which is cool, no freakin' neighbours!, and i can play my music as loud as fuck, play the drums, guitars etc loud as fuck which is very fucking cool BUT...I was asleep this morning until I heard my dogs barking at something so I got up to see what they were barking at and its fuckin' Jehova's! They came all the way out of town to give me all the Jehova propaganda. I can't believe it. Maybe I should start going around to houses and asking people if they are interested in joining 'The Church Of Satan'..that would be a laugh
:lol:..Just go around asking them to join the church of noise, mark out the where the Jehova's live, go round at 1:00 in the morning playing something very loud very obscene, along the lines of Cannibal Corpse or Napalm Death, and ak them if they would like to join.....
Or when they come to your door, walk out naked and start rubbing their testicles. That should do the trick.
Let them go through their whole spiel, and once they're done just say, "Sorry, I missed all of that. Can you start again?". Repeat ad nauseum. :D
This board should come up with a 101 ways to fuck with Jehovas Witness doorknockers list.

I think some good old fecal throwing wouldnt go astray. Thats right...just grab a turd and let it fly.
Hmmm could always try reciting the Koran to them. That might actually encourage them though - it'd give them extra incentive to "save" you.

We're on the way to creating such a list, salty! Your suggestion might well work.
I still think I had the best way to get rid of Jehova's....

Listen to them for a bit then say "Oh well, while you're here, could I interest you in some literature for the Church of Later Day Satanists! Get a free soul rotting with every 5th conversion!"

They shut up and walked away! :lol:

Either that or invite them inside to talk with them... they'd probably die of shock!