Fucking cunt trains


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Yesterday morning I thought I'd go into the city to get a present for Xena for her birthday tomorrow. Living in Penrith now, I couldn't be fucked driving there so I figured I'd get the train. Drove into Blacktown to get the "express" to the city, almost couldn't find any fucking parking there. God I thought bloody Bankstown was bad. That's paradise compared to the fucking parking nightmare in friggin' Single Mum Town. Fuck me!
Anyway, got down onto the platform in time for one train that was going to somewhere over the northside, but I thought I'd wait for the "express" even though it was a few minutes later because it doesn't stop as much and so it would get me in there quicker.
Fuck was I a dumb cunt.
The fucking "express" took 65 FUCKING MINUTES. Not bad when it only had to make FIVE GODDAMN STOPS! It usually only takes 40 minutes at the most. Everything was going fine until we got just outside Westmead and then the fucking train just went at walking pace for the next half an hour. I was about ready to fucking smash someone when I got off, but the guards and driver had already disappeared in the five seconds it took me to get onto the platform. They must have fucking teleported their asses out of there. And do you think any cunt could explain why the train was 25 minutes late? No. No one around to fucking ask either.
And people wonder why they get murdered.
There was a fire in one of the signal boxes and it had to be evacuated Gorey, thats what held you up id say, I heard one of the guys here talking about it :)

Though as I have stated many times, the railways is indeed fucked :)
I was on an "express" to Lithgow (getting out at Emu Plains) last night and got caught right in the middle of the worst part of the storms last night. I covered the 500 meters between the station and O'Donaghues pub in about 11 seconds flat! :lol:

It's amazing how fast you can move when you don't want to end up a lightning rod!
Well get your arses on the trains TO Lithgow, and we'll all have beers.

I won't use the fucking things myself, and I have a deep seated morailty that requires me to use them.

$25 return to the city, and a continual reduction in services. The trains have not run all the way to Sydney on a weekend for three years.....trackworks they say. Get on a bus here, and drive bells line to bell, darling causeway to Mt. Vic. and get on a train either at Mt Vic or sometimes Springwood.

It's fucked.

Now the state government wants to reduce services because they aren't popular ????

I'll drive thanks very much.
at least you got trains bro

On the northern beaches we don't even have trains at all. It takes about 1 hour on the bus and they are chockers, you can't even get a seat
We won't have trains for long.

The latest statement is that rural ticket sales infrastructure costs 30 million. That results in 40 million in sales, so we need to cut trains to make a profit.

Fucking trains, run by fucking economists.

They should make ALL politicians get to work using public transport. Then dock them a day's pay when they turn up late.

We'd end up with a public transport system so good, we'd all sell our cars.
I've only caught one train since I moved house coz i have a car now. And that was on my birthday so I could get blind drunk.
Goreripper said:
Hey Shannow, me and Xena will be living in Katoomba in about six months. Bring some Scotch and we'll play a few rounds of "Metal Mental Meltdown".
Sounds good - except the scotch part (tastes like what's left after a bushfire).

Have you tried any of the Katoomba eateries ?
Tres Elise is a pretty good Greek resteraunt.
Arjuna's is the best indian resteraunt I've ever been to.