If I had a "list" like spawny...

A carton is a box. You can put beer into a carton.

A carton is also a container into which you can put milk. Or juice. Or custard or cream.

A slab is a large block of concrete. You use them in building bridges or footpaths and the like. You do not drink them, unless you're well 'ard.
:lol: what a wonderful arguement ask at any bottle o up here for a Largie Spiffo they will know exactly what you are asking for...in fact so will the people in NSW...bloody Victorians..the further south you go, the worse they get ya know
Right, now, firstly, it is SLAB, because we southerners are well 'ard, not like all you Northern Jessies(to sort of coin the Scottish/Novacastrian phrase), secondly, Draven, and this is as a friend, why bother drinking a pot when you can have a luverly pint o the brown stuff (thats Guiness for you uneducated lot).

Also, what is with all this Scollop b/s? a SCALLOP is a feckin' shellfish(or at least a fish of some sort), and what you call a scollop, is a POTATO CAKE, sure, its not large and fluffy like a cake, bit its still a better name then fuckin scollop.......

on a slightly related note, when will all you northerners, especially fuckin Queenslanders, realise that you need a jumper in Victoria ALL YEAR ROUND, you might not always need it, but its always best to be prepared, and if any NSWer tries to tell me they have better weather then us Melbournites, then GO FUCK YERSELF, we may have predictably unpredictable weather, but at least its not raining all the time down here..............................*right, THAT should stir things up a bit :loco: *
aye, I'll admit my mistake, I guess its partly due to the fact I have been sober for a good eight odd months now...........by the way, Smashed, I don't suppose you'd be a Glory Boy by any chance now, would ye? residing in Perth and all.........
Greensborough :headbang:

Ok Spiff, what if the 24 cans of beer are wrapped in plastic? Not a carton then, is it? ;)

Pots are fucking gay. I feel embarrassed whenever I buy one. Should be outlawed as being beers for poofs.
We had new owners in the local fish and chip shop, and I found out that they were greek, and had moved from Melbourne.

Hoping for the best, I strolled in and asked for a couple of pieces of flake.

They looked at me a bit stunned, and pointed out that "Bloody New South Wales people wouldn't know a decent piece of fish if it bit them on the arse".

Yep, we don't have flake here either.
Bloody hell. At least when you ask for "A beer, thanks" in NSW or Queensland, they automatically start pulling a schooner (pint). In bloody Vic and SA, they give you a pot! Bloody poofy bloody beers! I went to pick mine up and it was so light I nearly threw it all over myself. And if you come over the Murray and you do ask for a pint, you get a bloody pint! A real, 600ml pint! So yay! for us.
all of this talk about beer is making me thirsty..will have to go home and have a couple of stubbies of VB real soon!!

case,carton,slab.....ii've used all of these terms at one stage or another.Doesn't really matter what it's called--just make sure the beer is cold!!!!!

by the way i've been drinking for 18 years and have never heard the term "Largie" before